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By mermaidkeels - 18/06/2016 08:51 - United States

Today, after getting fired, I went home only to find my boss sitting my living room. Apparently, he and my mom had been dating for months and he felt compelled to let me go because it was a "conflict of interest". FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 964
You deserved it 1 012

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wow! What a piece of shit! I hope your mum takes your side and dumps that ****.

theoldman 22

Were you also too enthusiastic and made your coworkers look bad?


Wow! What a piece of shit! I hope your mum takes your side and dumps that ****.

Unless otherwise stated in an employment contract or if termination is discriminatory (e.g. You can't fire somebody for being black), if you live in an at will employment state (nearly all of them), your boss can fire you at any time for any reason.

That is one of the most annoying things about america, they literally don't give a shit about employees, doing that in the UK is 100% not allowed, america really needs to sort it out, they are one of the most developed countries in the world, yet employees don't have basic job security as they can literally be fired for anything

andrmac 25

However the business has to pay unemployment if they don't have enough just cause.

Wouldn't him firing you because he think it's a conflict of interest, itself be a conflict of interest?

theoldman 22

Were you also too enthusiastic and made your coworkers look bad?

That's so unprofessional from your boss, I hope your mom gets at your side and break up with him.

Thats wrongful termination and you can and should sue

Lots of jobs are at will, the employer can fire an employee at any time for no reason. There is nothing to sue over.

Most states have various exemptions to at-will, though. For example, if you live in one of the 36 states with an implied contract exception, and your employee handbook enumerates the reasons an employee can be fired (without using the words "including but not limited to"), that handbook can be considered an employment contract even if you didn't sign anything and being fired for a reason not listed can be grounds to sue.

sue him OP, he isn't allowed to do that