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By Anonymous - 17/09/2017 04:30

Today, after storing it for a year, driving it 750 miles to a new home, and waiting a week for a wall mount to come in, I was ready to hang the hand-painted, decorative window my brother gave me. The chain snapped as I picked it up and it shattered when it hit the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 261
You deserved it 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No worries; you can always buy a new chain! Bit odd that it shattered, though…

arioch_fml 20

Sorry Op, that sucks, guess your window of opportunity closed.


Little Richard 11

Can you get a refund on the mount?

arioch_fml 20

Sorry Op, that sucks, guess your window of opportunity closed.

Really?!?!? Or are you pulling my chain? Oh, snap!

Figures I beat you to it, but everybody ignores mine...

No worries; you can always buy a new chain! Bit odd that it shattered, though…

At least you now have a jigsaw puzzle to complete...

Lobby_Bee 17

Is that why they call it window pain?

Sorry to see this. Sentimental things hurt.

I cant believe you picked it up by the chain. Sorry lady