By fleckney26 - 01/10/2015 14:43 - United Kingdom
fleckney26 tells us more.
OP here. All your comments have me in fits of laughter, and yes I do seem to have gained quite some leg muscle! For those asking why I hadn't seen the other toilets, it's because I thought the only thing around that corner was the post room, so I've never had a reason to go around there to find the other gents. Although I don't work in an office with all women, most are, and the issue of toilet placement has never come up when taking to the men. And before anyone else says about it, we do have lifts, but our boss gets annoyed at us if we used it. Thanks for getting this posted!
Top comments
Least you've been keeping fit running up all those stairs, OP!
I should've thought of that when I wanted to lose weight!
That, and it's a couple extra minutes away from the desk. Nice little break :)
It's like biking to work. Free weight loss program!
The only path to success is through perseverance. Keep going up those stairs and use it as your exercise!
Hey atleast you got a workout!
That sounds... Shitty! Please help me I can't stop making horrible puns
I would just stop talking if I were you.
I can't help it... (Dying internally)
Don't look at it like that! Look at it, and think of how happy you are you figured out this new route!
Op I don't understand how you could not see it if you been doing it for months. Not saying ydi cause that sucks
Eh. I'd rather run up stairs and use the bathroom. I'd prefer the exercise. and scaring people on the way down.
At least you know now
The bright side is that you got substantially more exercise doing so. The dark side is that if your bladder was about to positively explode, you would be shit out of luck.

Least you've been keeping fit running up all those stairs, OP!
The only path to success is through perseverance. Keep going up those stairs and use it as your exercise!