By Anonymous - 05/11/2010 02:22 - United States

Today, after staying in bed all day for a week from sickness, I get up to tell my mom I have terrible back pain and feel extremely dizzy. After curling up on the chair next to her, not being able to keep my head up for too long, she simply stares at me and says, "Can I finish my dinner now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 142
You deserved it 5 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:( Normally I'm a bitch in the comments, but I can't be right now. That sounds like something my mom would do. I'm sorry and I hope you feel better!

CoachLlama 5

Sorry you feel puny. Maybe you can find some over the counter medication to help your symptoms. Give mom a break, she's had to deal with you all week too. After you feel better, do something nice for her.


Hopersz 0

Lolol 6# epic. Lol. Anyways. Op I feel sorry for you. I can understand if your mom had to help you all week so yes she's gonna be tired. She could at least had consideration instead of being rude and worrying about her own blood instead of complaining about her food. Big damn deal that'd what microwave are for

Hopersz 0

Oops I mean to say that instead of that'd many vicious people. You've NEVER been weak while ill? I doubt that.

I'm sorry #23 I think you've mistaken me for someone who gives a shit.

did you want her to coddle you some more? I mean she doesn't have magic healing powers... And if she had started dinner, you were potentially causing her to burn it.. Ydi

ulicksam 0

You're that sick and you think there's nothing wrong with curling up next to someone while they're eating dinner? YDI. Of course your back hurts and you feel dizzy. You've been in bed for a week. What do you expect?

#23, I agree with #1. And what about the thought that her mom maybe just asked permission to continue eating while discussing OP's illness? My boyfriend would react the same way and I'd say SURE! OP, quit whining, you're sick for about a week now so let your mom enjoy her meal instead of trying to keep the fully attention.

jocelyng_fml 0

if you're really sick you wouldn't have been on fml and she probably cares since she let you take a week of school off which I'm assuming you go to since you live with your mom