By Anonymous - 05/11/2010 02:22 - United States

Today, after staying in bed all day for a week from sickness, I get up to tell my mom I have terrible back pain and feel extremely dizzy. After curling up on the chair next to her, not being able to keep my head up for too long, she simply stares at me and says, "Can I finish my dinner now?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 142
You deserved it 5 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

:( Normally I'm a bitch in the comments, but I can't be right now. That sounds like something my mom would do. I'm sorry and I hope you feel better!

CoachLlama 5

Sorry you feel puny. Maybe you can find some over the counter medication to help your symptoms. Give mom a break, she's had to deal with you all week too. After you feel better, do something nice for her.


Oh, maybe the mother was afraid OP was going to talk about dirty things, like vomiting, and so she first wanted to enjoy and finish her meal instead. Ö

tough up princess it happens my mother does't care if im sick just as long as im away from the family I don't moan or groan there no point to it.. sounds like you old enough to look after yourself anyways.. sympathy doesn't make you any healthier

mcmurdy1980 0

if you are so sick, how did you write this fml? fml for reading and writing this

I know other posters have said this but the first thing I thought after reading this FML is that OP has meningitis. You should get checked out ASAP.

jeremy1 0

see^^^^ I know what i'm talkin about I'm a Emt studying to be a paramedic with the end goal of being a doctor sumday it sounds like meningitis get to the doctor!

Raecheezy 0

I like your mom, she's a pretty cool guy.

hcovballer247 0

Stop being such a whiny ***** and suck it upp

I have to chuckle at everyone assuming Mom is worn out from nursing OP back to health. My mom is an amazing woman and mother, but she doesn't do the compassionate, "poor baby" thing very well. Some people just don't have the personality for it. Unless you needed something specific from her, OP, leave her alone and go rest. It sucks to be stuck in bed, I know, but if she gets sick, chances are good that she'll pay a bigger price from being stuck in bed than you will.

firefighterazz 0

awww have a tee spoon of sugar and toughen the f@$k up!!!

The same thing happens to me because I am anemic and don't eat enough iron