By Tasha_1996 - 09/12/2012 10:14 - Canada - Outlook

Today, after two weeks of being grounded, I was finally let out of the house by my mom. I had to call her at 1am asking her to come get me, because I got so drunk, I told my ride to leave without me. I'm grounded again after less than a day of freedom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 137
You deserved it 82 889

Tasha_1996 tells us more.

Hello everyone. I didn't know my FML got posted until now. This was more to express what an idiot I am than to be told I'm an idiot. For people asking questions, I'm 16 and live in Saskatchewan. A small town where there's **** all to do. There is nothing wrong with my mothers parenting, I respect her for coming to get me and grounding me. I was grounded for another month after this happened and am going to addictions councelling starting the New year. I was out last night, first night off of grounding again and didn't have a sip of alcohol. Originally, I wasn't going to comment. But I figured you guys deserved an update. Yes I deserved it.

Top comments

If you're old enough to still be grounded, you're not old enough to drink. Ydi.

Grounding is usually to teach you a lesson and not be bad. She probably thought you learnt your lesson but, clap clap, you proved her wrong.


Mother knows best. Your mother was right to ground you. If you are young enough to be grounded, you are probably too young to be drinking anyway.

butterflyz1961 2

Serves you right. If I was your mom, I would have grounded you too.

Sounds like your Mom should never let you leave the house due to your stupidity.

Meesersuperman1 4

So you can drink but your mom still grounds you? Or maybe you can't drink and YDI.

Chewiebhz 15

If 12000+ people say you deserve it...

nachosbabygurl 9

you can't expect anyone to feel sorry for you with this story

kimosabi55068 6

This must be the biggest YDI I've ever seen! Dumbass...