This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Helping? - 17/02/2017 12:00 - United States - Albany

Today, after waiting 20 minutes in the math assistance center for help, the adviser abandoned me mid-question. Not because she was requested or had something important to do, but because she wanted to get another slice of cake and continue a conversation with her friend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 148
You deserved it 452

Top comments

It's the math assistance center. They should know pi is better than cake. I'll see myself out.

LittleLittlered7 6

That was really rude and unprofessional of her. Unless there's a rule against food/drink in the center, she should have taken her slice to the table and offered you one. Or, she could have left it in the break room (if it was for employees only) and covered it with a napkin with her name on it. I'd complain if I were you. Not to be a douchebag, but bc if you were at work and you left a customer/client to stuff your face and yack with your company workers that wouldn't fly.


species4872 19

Math assistance center, what do they change the batteries in your calculator do they?

They help guide people through their work so they learn while doing it, plus help them with memorizing mathematic formulas, and identifying when and how to use them.

They tutor people in math and help them with their homework. Much like your comment could have used some English assistance.

It's the math assistance center. They should know pi is better than cake. I'll see myself out.

LittleLittlered7 6

That was really rude and unprofessional of her. Unless there's a rule against food/drink in the center, she should have taken her slice to the table and offered you one. Or, she could have left it in the break room (if it was for employees only) and covered it with a napkin with her name on it. I'd complain if I were you. Not to be a douchebag, but bc if you were at work and you left a customer/client to stuff your face and yack with your company workers that wouldn't fly.