By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 01:20 - United States

By Anonymous - 09/11/2011 01:20 - United States
By onething - 08/07/2009 17:06 - United States
By O-|---<=~ - 18/10/2013 23:01 - United States - Bellingham
By Anonymous - 28/12/2017 06:00
By MandMandM - 19/07/2010 06:38 - United States
By painedandpissed - 10/08/2014 16:42 - United States - Los Angeles
By woah - 04/05/2011 11:51 - United States
By tamp - 22/06/2009 07:47 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/12/2013 22:08 - United States - Marsing
By whyme_ss - 23/02/2010 22:10 - United States
By Jessie - 25/11/2011 06:13 - United States
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayA car is a man's pride and joy. Besides, they always give good rides.
That's an interesting way to twist it around.
#6 - I'm sure his car rides fine, but I'm sure OP "rides" better.
Don't get me wrong, I'm just not sure, but don't you have to be 18 to drive another unlicensed person and don't girls start to have their period at 12? Apologies if I offended anyone.
25- I bet she does but do u know any1 besides Hugh heffener that gets it every day no I didn't think so you can ride ur car every day ur girlfriend u can't. And no u only need to be 17 to drive some1 else around
54- Women get their periods until they're in their 50's to 60's.
Um... firstly you're wrong about when girls start their periods; it depends for every girl. Secondly, I'm pretty sure she's saying that A period started, not the FIRST period ever. You seem kinda... stoopid
I'm 16 and I have a lisense. Don't need to be 17.
It depends on where u live or what state or country
License you mean and they are speaking of a new U.S law that prohibits drivers under 18 of having other people under the age of 18 in their car unless they are family members. However they are wrong in saying no unlicensed drivers in the car with someone underage it's 1 person extra unless blood relative
In Norway you have to be 18 and have a license to drive legally. You can start driving when you are 16 but then you must have an adult of age 25 or up that have had the license for at least a year or something. I don't really remember correctly but I believe it is something around those lines.
She may have just started her new cycle. Get a clue? Someone is single.
sigh people.
Comment moderated for rule-breaking.
Show it anywayProbably because she was moody therefor he asked what her deal was and she informed him. That or he wanted to have sex an she said no because she is on her period
Why? Maybe because they are in a relationship and they tell personal stuff like that to eachother? My boyfriend always informs me when he has diarrhea and I inform him a week beforehand when I'm going to get my period, all to avoid unpleasant discoveries.
^ha but that is practical I don't see why people are so embarrassed about their own bodies sometimes.
I agree 83 people need to stop hiding natural human things and get over it. It's not embarrassing it's mother nature
40, while I generally agree that peple in a relationship shouldn't be shy about such things, talking about diarrhea just screams TMI. "Honey, check this out! I took a dump and it's YELLOW!!!"
#94 my understanding is that the boyfriend already knew op was using a tampon
You sir are a terrible person
What's so bad about sitting on towels?
It's insulting. It's implying that OP doesn't know to take care of herself :)
Nice to see chivalry is going strong.
We didn't have to worry about "the stains" on our horses back then.
*sigh* Oh men...
I never knew siting on towels was such an FML moment
Ya he is. He's just worried about his car.
Wow talk about being paranoid! Maybe it happened b4 with someone else...
Wow. Your picture is also mature
Well my girlfriend's sister was on her period and she wore some of my girlfriends clothing leaking blood all over the clothing. It was disgusting.
Actually even with a pad on, I had a girl bleed all over my seat in my car once, but now I know that blood stains leather seats.
tell him he's gonna have to wear three condoms because he might "leak" through the first
op's bf is def barebacking
Record 50 different tampon commercials, edit them to run end to end, and make him watch them with you in the car, in a short skirt, with no/little underwear on, while skill on your period, without the towels. Then hold up a tampon and say "Oopse, I thought I put this in. Oh well."
And whats stopping him from walking out after 2 seconds?
What the hell? Who thinks of that?!
Shark week strikes again!
I would of pelted him with unused tampons through the journey
I hope you don't keep used tampons lying around.
We already know 14 has a used tampon fetish
tell him he's gonna have to wear three condoms because he might "leak" through the first
Nice to see chivalry is going strong.