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By karachii - 11/12/2012 17:07 - United States

Today, after weeks of begging, I finally got an interview at my dream job. Turns out, they only agreed to interview me because they thought I was someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 264
You deserved it 2 090

karachii tells us more.

OP here. Guess I used the wrong wording. I didn't really "beg", I did the whole apply, wait, go in and follow up thing. Only problem is that when I followed up, I gave my first name only. My name isn't that common, so I didn't realize there would be another one. They did like me, they just wouldn't have interviewed me because I didn't have enough experience. This actually happened about a month ago (had to fudge it for FML of course P: ), and since then I've gotten a different job and am working to get that experience. So happy ending :)

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

Why would you "beg" for an interview in the first place? Maybe it's just me, but that's highly unprofessional.

olpally 32

Keep going for your dream job... Don't ever give up!


vanessa09865 23

Hopefully they'll hire you, like because you're so awesome and perfect for the job!

How would you know this? For all you know the OP could be a complete dumbass. But then again the opposite could be true..

Except probably not, considering they didn't get called back for an interview...

unknown_user5566 26

Why would you "beg" for an interview in the first place? Maybe it's just me, but that's highly unprofessional.

xeldawyn 14

Maybe they were begging to someone they know who is aquainted with the interviewer

To be perfectly honest if you didn't correct yourself I never would have known you got that word wrong

xeldawyn 14

Well, it bothered me well enough

I agree with you number 2. I would just change the company number

39-changing the company number is a bit of an extremity seeing as the line is also used for business. It would not only take the cost of changing the number alone but also the business they would lose in the process.

#2 sometimes a company needs to know you want a job bad enough! I repeatedly had to go back to all of the jobs i had just to even get an interveiw

OP could be over exaggerating or it could be poor wording. Maybe OP was persistent but not necessarily calling up their potential employer and crying like "please please please with a cherry on top, hire me!!! TWO. TWO CHERRIES."

southernbelle_rn 16

Well I hope you made the most of it and wowed them so much that they hired you. Then again, you wouldn't be posting this as a FML moment if they did hire you...

olpally 32

Keep going for your dream job... Don't ever give up!

Very unprofessional of them. Don't worry OP, you can find a better place that actually has their shit together.

They obviously can't if they're begging for an interview.

Should have gone with it. Identity Theft never hurt anyone, right?

Your dream job being? Also, I am curious as to how long your are on the whole job looking circus, because begging for an interview sounds like a very rookie way of doing things.

Who "begs" for an interview? No wonder they didn't want you

Op sounds like the creepy new kid in the FML below this. "Oh baby, I have such a powerful love for your company, I'd do anything to work with you. Anything! Please give me another chance?" Poor thing.

So who did they think you were, Nate or Dave?