By karachii - 11/12/2012 17:07 - United States

Today, after weeks of begging, I finally got an interview at my dream job. Turns out, they only agreed to interview me because they thought I was someone else. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 261
You deserved it 2 087

karachii tells us more.

OP here. Guess I used the wrong wording. I didn't really "beg", I did the whole apply, wait, go in and follow up thing. Only problem is that when I followed up, I gave my first name only. My name isn't that common, so I didn't realize there would be another one. They did like me, they just wouldn't have interviewed me because I didn't have enough experience. This actually happened about a month ago (had to fudge it for FML of course P: ), and since then I've gotten a different job and am working to get that experience. So happy ending :)

Top comments

unknown_user5566 26

Why would you "beg" for an interview in the first place? Maybe it's just me, but that's highly unprofessional.

olpally 32

Keep going for your dream job... Don't ever give up!


Cowgirl9999 8

Hopefully you wowed them and got to keep the job, Op!

Its great you are determined for the job and you really want it but... They don't want you I think it is time to move on and find another job hopefully people who appreciate your talents. Dont lower yourself to begging. Why would you? Its really unbecoming.

oj101 33

Try and impress them with a distinguishing feature that proves you're better than that someone else. I remember Lee a few years back in the apprentice and he got the job by doing a dinosaur impression.

Maybe if you stop begging and start volunteering for a better résumé, youll get the job!

KiddNYC1O 20
bredahl 26

I'm sure the reason why they didn't want you in the first place was because you were "begging". If you were professional about it, you would have sent in your resume, cover letter, maybe a letter of recommendation and then call a few days later to see if they've reviewed your application, possibly politely ask for an interview. If they say no to an interview, politely ask them how to improve yourself, your resume, etc. so you can get a better job. :]

That's actually exactly what I did. I didn't really think about my wording there lol. And actually the reason I wasn't hired was because I didn't have enough work experience, they liked me otherwise :)

*bang.. bang* Two in one thread. So far a record..

26- There's a button for that 27- There's a button for that 29- Lol, nice one (I know, I know. *Mockingly* "There's a button for that")

Begging's a bit low, don't you think? If I were you, I'd lay low for a little while, work on my résumé, and try applying again in a couple months.

Doesn't matter how you got the interview. You got it - make the most of it.