By Anonymous - 14/12/2018 14:00

Today, after weeks of no sex, my boyfriend finally decided to have sex with me. While we were getting into it I accidentally farted in his face while his mouth was open. No more sex for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 666
You deserved it 2 143

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Poor guy. He took a chance, and it blew up in his face.

OP, my girlfriend did that once to me. She is now my wife. I understood she didn’t do it on purpose and she was so embarrassed. It’s not a great thing to happen, but unless you make a habit of it it should not be a romance killer.


Like an actual fart? Or a queef? Cuz there's a difference hahaha

You must be a pretty disgusting person if he gave you a pity lay after a dry spell and you **** it up that bad

I doubt she’s disgusting, it was probably her nerves that it hasn’t happened in a while and she wanted for it to go perfect, I know when I get nervous my belly doesn’t have warnings. Yes it’s a bit nasty but an acceptable mistake sometimes you can’t control it. Any good boyfriend would talk to her about it and understand if it only happens once

BlackAce21 3

I only see one disgusting person here and it isn't the OP.

Edgar Zuniga 6

“Take beano BEFORE and there'll be no gas”

LarryGurgich 2

I think I'd find this hilarious if it happened to me

lifehappensbutwhyme 10

Sounds like a deeper problem that should be worked on. Sometimes gross things happen during sex, but in my opinion, it shouldn't cause long dry spells. I've literally gagged and thrown up while giving a BJ to my husband. My husband didn't even bat an eye- just helped me clean up, asked if I was ok, and then we started over again. Once I even had to stop in the middle of sex to take an unexpected bathroom trip and he still wanted to keep having sex afterwords. Can't always control bodily functions and shit happens! Talk to your boyfriend about what's really going on and jump start your sex life again!