By atleese - 31/12/2011 15:37 - United States

By atleese - 31/12/2011 15:37 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/12/2018 14:00
By Anonymous - 31/07/2021 23:01 - United Kingdom - London
By Anonymous - 25/07/2019 12:00
By byebyeromance - 26/08/2014 01:03 - United States - State College
By Fart queen - 05/12/2022 04:00
By Ted - 06/06/2019 18:00
By alison - 04/07/2015 05:02 - United States
By Anonymous - 11/09/2012 19:16 - Sweden - Guayanilla
By I'll Make You FartCum - 02/01/2015 21:53 - United States - San Francisco
By Anonymous - 16/04/2020 02:00
I'd say sex at your house stinks.
Maybe it was a fail but sex shouldn't always be extremely romantic 24/7. Memories like that or what really makes a relationship.
"Now for the next fourth months he's going to remember " At least he will only remember it every fourth month as opposed to every/every second/every third months.
Not everything is as simple as a FAIL or non-FAIL. Sometimes theres some silver lining. Then again, sometimes everything goes to shit, its a toss up
83- LOL is that David villa in ur pic?
It's actually appropriate if folks have the same sense of humor that I do. I used word play there. I suppose I can make Justin Bieber/Twilight/sex jokes like everyone else, but I try to troll my own way. If ya don't like it, fine by me. :)
Honestly, this is the first time I hear of "Goodbye Sex". What animals people are these days.
I just re-read the FML. I understood it differently at first. Sorry. Here come the thumbs-downs!
^ I'll give ya a thumbs up just be contrary. Feel free to thumb this down as much as you can. I wanna see if it beats my record of about 36.
At least you'll probably stay together?
ya!those who share farts stay together(: sorry that was stupid.
Did he laugh too?
Girls don't fart. God placed an ROF in their bodies. It stands for "Restriction of Farting". Every girl has one! :)
Watch CollegeHumour's video on YouTube. It explains why we men never see/hear girls do it.
Was there a girl involved?
Where's DocBastard when u need him?
My diagnosis is...moron.
Some people are undiagnosable. I have a feeling there is no diagnosis code for this guy's ailment.
We lost him....
That awkward moment when you think of the perfect reply but I'm too late... Btw, it's 'no shit'
That awkward moment when you think of the perfect reply but you're way too late... Btw it's 'no shit'
Y u no edit instead of reply??
Did you keep going?
OP, I'm sure he thought it was cute:) But I myself would have burried you alive for that.
That was just uncalled for dude.
Y'all don't have a sense of humor. Seriously if you think about it, it's hilarious... Along with awkwardness and all that good stuff. It's an inside joke that only you and your partner experience together. I think it helps with closeness. 5 years down the road, he and I are extremely close and open about everything!
109, I could have gone the rest of my life without knowing that..
Just shut up already.
167, just stop. Please.
Than ye please shut up
167: All the OP said was that she had sex. You shared the position and the fact that holes opened and closed. You definitely shared more than the OP did.
Wow nice memories those are.
110- IT!!!
Like shit, sherlock.
I honestly don't understand the point of goodbye sex
10, it's sex. To say goodbye! Duh
Oooh okay. Thanks 34!
Did you keep going?
...Are you okay?