By ArtemisRwill - 14/07/2015 20:16 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after working a double shift, I got home to total pandemonium. My dogs had crapped all over the house, my kitchen was soaking wet, etc. My mother, who just moved in with me, was sitting on the couch, saying she had no idea what happened. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 343
You deserved it 2 096

ArtemisRwill tells us more.

Hey. First off, my mom moved in with me because she lost her job and couldn't afford her apartment anymore. I live in a 3 bedroom house, so I was being nice and let her move in. She has no ailments. Second, my dogs have a door that is open into a dog run. I can't do a dog door because I have a Great Dane and a Bully Pit. I live about 5 minutes from work. I go home at lunch everyday. I couldn't yesterday because I was covering for 2 sick coworkers. Third, my dogs crapped all over the house because SOMEONE shut their door. And my kitchen was speaking wet (with water) because SOMEONE burned their lunch and instead of using the fire extinguisher, that went outside and grabbed the garden hose. After I had to clean everything up, BY MY SELF, my mom finally fessed up. I'm trying to get my sister to take her so that I and my dogs can live in peace again.

Top comments

triplebeerox 27

Did she move in with you because she's ill? The only things that come to my mind are that she either doesn't care what happens in your home or she isn't feeling well enough to help out.

God I hope you get your house back. I wouldn't be able to handle that at all!! And your poor dogs!


It's hard to judge this as there's a lot of missing information here. I would suggest having a talk to her about what you expect of people living in your house though.

Really? I rather have less info. For once I do not want to see pictures, but maybe that's just me..

Hey. First off, my mom moved in with me because she lost her job and couldn't afford her apartment anymore. I live in a 3 bedroom house, so I was being nice and let her move in. She has no ailments. Second, my dogs have a door that is open into a dog run. I can't do a dog door because I have a Great Dane and a Bully Pit. I live about 5 minutes from work. I go home at lunch everyday. I couldn't yesterday because I was covering for 2 sick coworkers. Third, my dogs crapped all over the house because SOMEONE shut their door. And my kitchen was speaking wet (with water) because SOMEONE burned their lunch and instead of using the fire extinguisher, that went outside and grabbed the garden hose. After I had to clean everything up, BY MY SELF, my mom finally fessed up. I'm trying to get my sister to take her so that I and my dogs can live in peace again.

God I hope you get your house back. I wouldn't be able to handle that at all!! And your poor dogs!

Might be time to stick her in a retirement home

Any other things that could mean she is getting dementia?

I'd have told her straight that she needs to loo at moving somewhere else, regardless that she's your Mother. What an absolute dick head she is, to purposely lock your dogs access and to use a ******* garden hose, is she ******* stupid?!

Poor puppies!! Sorry mom you have 24 hours to get your shit and get out. You are no longer welcome in my home.

I'm thinking she might have an ailment or two...

MzZombicidal 36

My boyfriend and I had dealt with a similar issue before. His little brother (little, being only a year younger than me) lived with us for 3 months. My boyfriend and I both worked full-time jobs, while he didn't work at all. We left for work one day, explaining to him that the trash needed to be taken out and the cat's kitty litter box needed changing because we were in a rush. 8 hours later We return home to trash all over the kitchen from where my cat knocked it over and played in it and - surprise! surprise! - the kitty litter box not changed and cat poop all over the floor, with more trash! It really, really sucks when your home is taken over by lazy people. /: I hope your sister takes on the challenge, OP! Also, I apologize for the novel!

While that was a huge mess-up on your moms part everyone makes mistakes and it was the first time so make sure she understands she has to be responsible and give her another chance

Pack her stuff outside and kick her out? Thats just her way of telling you she's an ungrateful prick.

shit_fer_luck 8

I was visiting my parents' house with my dog Max. My dad was home alone with Max. Max is very good about letting humans know when he has to go outside. Well, my dad chose to ignore him as he played on the internet. Next thing he knew, Max lifted his leg and peed on him as he sat at at the computer. Dad cleaned up the dog pee, but it makes you wonder: who learned the lesson?

#30 - Don't hold back; speak your mind! lol (Really? Calling a woman a "********," really?)

53, what makes women exempt from being dickheads? It's just a personality aspect. Some men can be *****, they're versatile insults.

She cleaned up a spill. With a GARDEN HOSE. Indoors...yeah.

The OP #24 already posted what happened. Learn to read.

#38 Give them a break. They probably opened the comments, had a leisurely read, made their comment, stopped to check for grammar, spelling etc, then posted it. Meanwhile 9 minutes or so have passed and the OP has posted a comment explaining everything and now their comment is redundant. Can happen very easily.

As soon as you said, "My mother, who just moved in with me ..." I hit the "Your life sucks" button.

Sounds like the devil dog from the other FML.

Sorry to say, but that kind of behaviour doesn't come from just being tired because of moving house. She has mental problems and whatever was the official reason why she lost her job, this is the real one. Without help these things only get worse.

Looks like your mother got converted into a dog