Winds of change

By sting - 03/06/2017 04:00

Today, I stepped on a glue trap for scorpions. Bare foot. There was a scorpion already caught on it. It wasn't dead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 073
You deserved it 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mortal Kombat: The untold chronicles Seriously though, fyl op, especially if someone else placed them without the consideration of others.


Mortal Kombat: The untold chronicles Seriously though, fyl op, especially if someone else placed them without the consideration of others.

Justine Malang 16

What has 8 legs, looks like a lobster crossed with a nightmare, and has the attitude of an angry wasp? Well, it's under your foot.

If it wasn't dead then, it is now that you've stepped on it

Natanaru 6

Poor soul. Never been stung by one myself but my grandpa was out for a day when he got stung by one.

I think "scorpion trap" is the most badass thing I've heard all week.

madlove88 5