By anonomous - 07/04/2012 15:27 - United States

By anonomous - 07/04/2012 15:27 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/04/2021 23:00
By Anonymous - 13/12/2009 05:19 - United States
By anonymous - 19/03/2010 04:11 - United States
By CanWeAllGetOne - 13/11/2013 06:40 - United States - Houston
By shouldabeenapornstar - 17/03/2010 15:46 - United States
By Anonymous - 14/01/2018 06:00
By guess28 - 14/07/2009 18:19 - Puerto Rico
By hnickell93 - 10/12/2012 18:37 - United States - Visalia
By Anonymous - 02/03/2024 14:00 - United States - Jacksonville
By Anonymous - 27/09/2020 08:03 - United Kingdom - Bristol
Why couldn't you just tell him at first that he wasn't doing it right and help him do it better
You shouldn't fake it... And really it toke that long poor bugger
Marriages should be about trusting someone. If you are unhappy you tell your partner so you can fix it. Being 'selfless' only works when it is accomplishing something. Sex is not going to save the world. You pretty much just gave your husband a free card to not try.
I have never had an ****** from just sex. Vaginal penetration feels really good, but it doesn't get me off. I made sure my boyfriend understood that when we started having sex. I need direct clitoral stimulation for a very long time (sometimes more than 30 minutes), and it's honestly exhausting for me. I'll decide I want to ****** every once in a while and we'll make it happen, but it's just too much work for an every sexual encounter thing. My boyfriend is amazing in bed and we're very open with what we like and don't like, so it's not a matter of him not knowing how to please me. Some women just don't ****** very easily, and the sex is totally fantastic and amazing even when I don't. I feel like I enjoy sex a lot more when we're not concerned with making me come. :)
Whatttt .... Takes me about a minute to give my girlfriend one... He is either small or u don't find him attractive enough
Sure she aint facking? lol
*Suddenly realizes that 210 is the OP's husband.*
Lmao thats too funny ...
You're a bitch for faking.
Maybe you should of been honest about faking it
It took him years to give you an ******..?