By fail - 21/12/2010 09:38 - United States

Today, an attractive guy told me he wanted to get to know me and see me again. When I told my boyfriend, in hopes of stirring up some jealousy, he said "he'll regret it when he finds out what you're like in bed, trust me." FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 084
You deserved it 43 311

Same thing different taste

Top comments

when you act like a bitch, expect to be treated like one


Wcngfl 4

hahaha thats what you get for talkin shit :)

I think the lesson here is that he's still with you...

cadillacgal79 32

Wow, you must be so loyal! /sarcasm

Why would you tell your boyfriend??

grow up, why would you purposely try to make your boyfriend jealous... smh