By stupid - 21/12/2010 15:21 - Ireland
Same thing different taste
By Anonymous - 23/01/2014 21:49 - United States - Washington
By j. farmer-smith - 09/02/2018 23:00 - United States - Jamestown
By EPICfml. - 02/03/2009 19:01 - United States
By something - 16/02/2019 18:00
By littl3storm - 13/05/2019 04:00
By goestoschoolonsnowdays - 12/02/2010 05:02 - United States
By WestboroBC - 03/02/2009 22:56 - United States
By Username - 01/02/2011 15:40
By Bitch its me - 17/01/2009 11:11 - Korea Republic of
By Lapis - 20/12/2009 19:42 - United States
Top comments
Cool story brrrrro!
Woohooo it's 77 here!
thats nothing! i walk to shcool every day in -10 degrees..
^ haha we got a foot of snow last Christmas in Texas... and it's anywhere from 74-82 right now (weather app sucks)
27 here. I hate New England!
OP is a wuss.
agreed, when it gets to below -20, THEN you can complain
Saturday morning I got up at 6:30 to dig my two wheel drive car out of a foot and a half of snow, proceeded to drive said two wheel drive car to work and STILL made it on time. Max speed I could go without careening out of control into a ditch was 156-20 mph. No, it's not the same as your story, but god do I hate snow now... I think this is what manhood is like.
it was -40 here in Alaska. pussy
LOLOMG. try living in Canada. -5?! I walk to school at -25 everyday.
Would everyone stop saying how miserable there life's are cuz there not. Remember there are kids that don't have food In africa and in Russia when it is winter it gets to -45 degrees. So would everyone cut the crap.
I can't believe this FML. Honestly, I live in Canada, and I'm in seventh grade. My school still runs when the temperature is -40C, and when there is waist deep snow. I don't complain. Man up.
That is ******* sad. I give you major kudos. I am a complete pussy and I would probably die in -40 weather.
I must say I do like the Texas winter heat :) Though nothing beats a white Christmas!
Hahaha -5? wow you would not survive in Canada. It was -40°C a couple weeks ago
WTF, where do you live? O.O In Vancouver, the lowest it like ever ever gets is -10, so glad I live here.
Lol Chippa, you're on the coast - that's why its so warm there.
Edmonton gets that cold once in awhile. But it's usually like -20 to -35, around there.
Tack 13 inches of snow on to that -40 degrees. Even though it doesnt often get THAT cold
Manitoba is the same. we've already seen -35C and it's not even christmas. gotta love these Prairie winters.
I'm guessing OP meant Fahrenheit?
nope we use Celsius in Ireland! (:
lol, -40F = -40C anyway. XD
-29 Degrees with snow up to my thighs while I was wearing tights.
oooooh poor baby - 5 I hope your little fingers didn't freeze. man up
haha! sucks for you *******!! in Calgary we've been getting between 0 and -10 for about a month maybe longer!!! hahaha
I live near Calgary and it's been colder than that... like a lot.
103 LOL no it doesn't.
214 - it does
Grande Prairie is ridiculous for snow, my grandparents used to live there and it would literally get up to my waist. I used to make two-level snow forts with the piles on either side of their driveway.
Yeah, it's not fun walking to school in Winnipeg in -40c weather.
haha yeah the only reason i couldnt go to school was vecause the buses axels froze solid
Yea, this really does suck on your part. You should have pissed on the couch for the lulz and payback.
Wrong FML lol
-5? is that it? get over it.
All the way up to your ankles? GASP! Maybe if you walked to school on your hands that would be impressive, but otherwise, you should omit that detail.
Thank you for pointing out the "ankles" part. Thats so stupid. This girl wouldn't survive in Michigan at all.
Well OP's from Ireland, as am I. We're not used to that kind of weather here, we don't get snow very often in Ireland.
-5 Degrees? That's t-shirt weather in the Midwest. Snow up to your ankles happens in October. In December, it's up to your thighs.
Not much of an exaggeration, a couple of years ago we had a 4 inch snowfall the week before Halloween. -5C is +23F, it's NOT that cold. I agree, OP needs to quit whining.
It sucks that your parents didn't tell you, but seriously, try foot deep snow and -10 (worse in other places I'm sure). Suppose it depends how long you had to walk though. But was it not on the radio or internet or something that you could find out as well, rather than having to depend on your parents telling you?
- 30 today in calgary so cinn let's see the troll in you
I guess we are use to being snowmen lol
I'm not sure how telling me it's -30^C in Calgary will make me troll... I did say it'll be worse in other places. Seeing as other places have different climates to the UK and therefore expect worse winters than we do. All I can do is say that -15ish in York and that didn't seem to really stop much apart from the plumbing in various buildings.
Winter in Edmonton, more like. They don't have the Chinooks to melt all the snow away! As far as Alberta goes, Calgarians are pretty lucky. In my experience bouncing all over the province, I would say Grande Prairie is the worst.
ydi for having uncaring parents. ydi for not being prepared. ydi for walking to school. ydi for your parents being cheap
Congratulations on your retard-ism!
oh no not -5 and snow up to your ankles!!! oh how that sucks to be you! I feel so sorry for you NOT. Stop bitching you pussy!
Was it malone college? Cuz i know they sent texts out to parents whenever the school is closed.

Hahaha -5? wow you would not survive in Canada. It was -40°C a couple weeks ago
All the way up to your ankles? GASP! Maybe if you walked to school on your hands that would be impressive, but otherwise, you should omit that detail.