By YouDontSay - 10/05/2015 15:35 - Ireland - Dublin

By YouDontSay - 10/05/2015 15:35 - Ireland - Dublin
By say my name - 01/07/2012 01:35
By bianca131 - 10/11/2015 03:42 - Australia
By justagirl - 02/12/2014 05:40 - United States - Roseville
By coltsfoot - 23/05/2010 09:08 - Norway
By oops123 - 15/04/2009 18:42 - United States
By none - 22/08/2013 04:27 - United States - San Antonio
By kpjc - 21/10/2016 00:29 - United States - Lawrence
By Busted - 21/10/2009 21:25 - United States
By Anonymous - 28/05/2017 20:00
By Anonanon - 12/07/2011 17:10 - United Kingdom
ohh, that must hurt.
they both should get together and kick him in the balls, lol
Why not
maybe we should hit women that cheat...almost forgot that would be wrong in everyones eyes
what great timing to lay that on you
Always lay down the hard truth alongside a hard D.
If they've been friend for "ages". Shouldn't she have already known?
She said she liked him for ages, not that she was friends with him
How did you not know he had a girlfriend? Anyways, your crush is a total douche
Yes, ALL guys are lying sacks of shit...
*SOME men are lying, cheating, sacks of shit, but then equally *SOME women are lying, cheating, sacks of shit.
Well, if he is old enough to have a job, it's very easy to hide things like that. I can honestly say that I don't know what each of my colleagues' relationship status is. I had a similar experience. I worked alongside a girl for quite some time without knowing if she had a girlfriend/boyfriend or not. She asked me on a date, so I assumed she didn't. After going on a few dates, we had sex. I commented on a painting afterwards and she replied, "My husband made it last year." I guess she got the lesbian experience she was looking for. I just felt like a complete ass.
continue #32, you were saying?
There's a huge difference between not knowing or caring about your coworkers relationship status and not knowing the relationship status of someone you /like/. One is minding your own business in a professional environment. The other is just not giving a shit until it's too late.
Quite easily actually. I worked with a guy I had a crush on for 3 months before I found out he had a girlfriend of 2 years, we always had a few drinks after work and just talked absolute shit (those conversations that would put you in a mental hospital if anyone heard) it wasn't untill we had a talk about him leaving for the army that he said "I'm thinking about leaving my girlfriend, I don't think she'd stay faithful while I'm away and she's really against me joining" that I found out ( if anyone cares, yes, he left her and yes, he's mine now)
YDI. If you've known him long enough you should know he has a girlfriend. If you slept with him fully aware he was in a relationship, YDI even more.
Um, correct me if I'm wrong but the point of the FML is that she found out the guy has a girlfriend after he slept with her, rendering your rant invalid.
Oh... I'm sorry. You should be honest and tell his girlfriend if he doesn't. It's not your fault but you should make sure she knows so that she won't get hurt... But either way, it's your choice. Good luck with whatever you do:)
She'd be hurt less than if she found out herself
Don't do that. Peope get hurt like that. I mean physically hurt. Cut contact with the guy and go on with your life. People assume that when they tell the significant other the truth they will appreciate it. Sometimes they believe their lovers lie and turn on you. Unless it's a personal friend of yours, just walk away from them both.
#67 Then it's there choice if to leave the man or stay. They might get mad but, at least there aware. If someone told me my boyfriend was cheating on me, I would probably be grateful for them. At least give them a head up. If I ever find out my boyfriends cheating on me and someone who knew didn't tell me, I WOULD blame them then. Especially if they were the one he was cheating with. Then Hell would break loose.
Until he just says 'She wants my D and I said no so she's trying to torpedo our relationship'. Would you believe some Rando off the street over your significant other?
That's his problem. But if you like him so much, you should've known he had a girlfriend. YDI too.
Commented on the wrong FML, can't seem to delete on iPhone app.
Jeez don't be an asshole the FML clearly states she wasn't aware of his girlfriend, totally missing the point here
Well at least invite her before jumping to any conclusions So much for knowing your crush
You've liked him for ages and yet you didn't know he had a girlfriend? Unless they JUST got together you don't know this guy too well do you?
It's really not rare to have a crush on a semi-acquaintance that you don't know a whole lot about. Even the people you do know, you probably don't know things that they don't publicly advertise.
"Guy I've liked" doesn't equal "Guy I'm in a relationship with". If you've known him for 'ages', then you'd know he has a girlfriend, and therefore, he's a cheater, and you have no respect for relationships. I don't care that this will get downvoted, but for me, it's a big YDI, because you just slept with him, because you "like" him, but aren't in a relationship with him? You're **** buddies?
You'll probably get downvoted, but I agree. Without getting in the "fuckbuddies" debate (people can do whatever they like afterall), OP clearly saw that as a romantic sutuation, which doesn't really make sense considering she doesn't seem to know the guy so well and isn't even in a relationship with him.
... Romance has to start somewhere. Some people are just comfortable having sex with someone they are romantically interested in before they know them all that well.
It never said when he got a gf. Maybe he just got into an official relationship like a week ago or something, you can't expect OP to know that
what great timing to lay that on you
Guys, she could've had a distance crush thing goin on and just didn't know he was in a relationship.