By Kasizzle - 26/02/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, an extremely large lady came into the dry cleaners where I work. She puts what I assume is a blanket on the counter to be dry cleaned. I said, "So just the one blanket then?" She replied, "Those are my pants, not a blanket." She was a size 56. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 153
You deserved it 42 115

Kasizzle tells us more.

Kasizzle 0

Well I dont think she will be coming back in, honestly the biggest pants I have ever seen. I am 6 foot and I could pretty much stand in the waist line of the pants. and we had to charge her 5 dollars more. Needless to say the presser was PISSED. I could not say "one item" because the dry cleaners I work at does not charge the same price for every item ( Like a lot do). I did give her a discount though because I felt so bad.

Top comments

woah I didn't even know that was a size... I wonder where you would even buy pants that size

Re: Hannah's question (#2): I used to work in a clothing shop where we once had a man come in for pants that were a 66" waist and 26" inseam. He stood all of 5'4" -- literally wider than he was tall. He actually could only buy clothes once day a year, because clothing manufacturers generally pick only one style and size of each garment to make across the whole shop each day (or at least, one sytle per sewer, as it saves time and money by not having to keep changing the patterns all day), and once you get over a certain size, it's simply not worth it to make the ultra-plus sizes more than one day out of the year.


No, not F your life, more like F her life. It would be funny if we got a post saying "Today I walked into a dry cleaners. When I handed my item to be cleaned, the cashier asked "So just the one blanket then?". They were my pants. FML"

Dr_Phil 0

You should have suggested that she go on a diet.

xXCherrryBombXx 6

LOL. Jenny Craig... diet.. I see what you did there

Hahah I agree with 25. I really hope that's happened at some point.

i would have laughed hysterically and would not have been able to hold it back.

"Yeah well I'll still hafta charge you the blanket rate."

Why are so many people saying it's the OP's fault? If you wear a size 56...god damn.

well, if the lady was a size 56... then I'd think she'd be a very... hard to ignore size... it should have been cause for some pause

They usually say what is is so they can record it and charge properly

carriealana 0

56 is ridiculous. come on, people.