By Kasizzle - 26/02/2009 14:13 - United States

Today, an extremely large lady came into the dry cleaners where I work. She puts what I assume is a blanket on the counter to be dry cleaned. I said, "So just the one blanket then?" She replied, "Those are my pants, not a blanket." She was a size 56. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 155
You deserved it 42 116

Kasizzle tells us more.

Kasizzle 0

Well I dont think she will be coming back in, honestly the biggest pants I have ever seen. I am 6 foot and I could pretty much stand in the waist line of the pants. and we had to charge her 5 dollars more. Needless to say the presser was PISSED. I could not say "one item" because the dry cleaners I work at does not charge the same price for every item ( Like a lot do). I did give her a discount though because I felt so bad.

Top comments

woah I didn't even know that was a size... I wonder where you would even buy pants that size

Re: Hannah's question (#2): I used to work in a clothing shop where we once had a man come in for pants that were a 66" waist and 26" inseam. He stood all of 5'4" -- literally wider than he was tall. He actually could only buy clothes once day a year, because clothing manufacturers generally pick only one style and size of each garment to make across the whole shop each day (or at least, one sytle per sewer, as it saves time and money by not having to keep changing the patterns all day), and once you get over a certain size, it's simply not worth it to make the ultra-plus sizes more than one day out of the year.


#58 sounds like a bitch. Just sayin'. I'm not overweight or anything, but was it really necessary to say you were "Size 3 and petite"?

she can't be offended. she knows she's fat I imagine

How hard is it to tell the difference between a blanket and some pants? Blankets often have funky designs not seen on pants, are a large square or rectangle. Pants, well, you can clearly see where the two legs are separated at the crotch, as well as the hem or even the zipper. Especially if they were huge. There is a lot that is terribly wrong with this FML.

LMAO.. Wonder what the lady had to say after you comment.. .."Uhm.. What do you mean blanket?"

haha i thought i was big im size 11 but i mean 56 is worse

You think a size 11 is big??!! WTF are you smoking?

I understand that you're feeling guilty, but at least you didn't mean it to be insulting; it's a bit odd that you'd mistake the elephant's pants for a blanket, but I've never seen pants that big before, so I can't actually make a comment on that. Don't get why there are so many YDIs.

I would be embarrassed too- embarrassed for that lady.

When I saw this FML I wondered how many jerks would make mean comments about the lady. Wasn't surprised to see how many there were. Was glad to see #32's comment. I have a friend who is unhealthily overweight. For years she's been walking daily, exercising several times a week, eating no junk food, eating healthy--and has lost pretty much no weight. Doctors don't know why. My mother is overweight and she can't do anything about it except eat better which only goes so far. Why? She has other physical problems that prevent her from exercising. She's in physical therapy for serious back problems (including having a broken back, and back surgery). I used to be chubbier then I got horrendously sick (throwing up, in and out of the hospital, special diet kind of sick) and lost a lot of weight. Now I'm a lil bit underweight for my age/height and I've noticed people are nicer to me. Makes me really angry and I pretty much ignore the people who used to make fun of me who are now nicer to me. Making fun of and hating people because of their size is as crappy as making fun of and hating people because of their race, sex, sexuality, religion/non-religion, and a lot of other things.

Gingerly 0

"Making fun of and hating people because of their size is as crappy as making fun of and hating people because of their race, sex, sexuality, religion/non-religion, and a lot of other things." That's not a very good comparison. People can't help the color of their skin or their sexuallity. While your examples may be true, they're not typical. Most morbidly obese people got that way by eating 12,000 cal. a day diets. My aunt and her kids were morbidly obese(until they all got gastric bypass surgery) even though they rode their bike several miles a day, because they ate so much unhealthy food. They would each eat more than a lb of pasta and a gallon of ice cream for dinner every night. While some people my be big for reasons beyond their control, it's most likely that someone who wears size 56 pants is just lazy and eats way to much. It may seem mean, but this woman needs to go on a damn diet.

totally agree!!!! hormones etc make u size 16, not size 56. fast food and little to no exercise and having no job make u size 56