By Kasizzle - 26/02/2009 14:13 - United States
Kasizzle tells us more.
Well I dont think she will be coming back in, honestly the biggest pants I have ever seen. I am 6 foot and I could pretty much stand in the waist line of the pants. and we had to charge her 5 dollars more. Needless to say the presser was PISSED. I could not say "one item" because the dry cleaners I work at does not charge the same price for every item ( Like a lot do). I did give her a discount though because I felt so bad.
Top comments
I have no idea why we should feel bad for her if she wrought this upon herself. That IS pretty gross. I hate seeing that the stereotype about Americans being fat, as a rule, are true. It pisses me off to be the small number that isn't overweight. Oh well.
Mother of god....
OMG I didn't even know that's a size:o.
Good job, you just made us size 16 people feel terrible about ourselves. Congrats.
I find it interesting that people make jokes at someone like this but a 6' woman that is so thin that she has to wear a childs outfit is fine. People that maker fun of other people because of their size are pathetic.
@#132 When you're that unhealthy to your body and have no consideration for your appearance, it usually validates a shocked expression. I understand your trying to be against size bullying, but you can't get rid of emotions. That woman was huge. No one should let them make it to that size. It's ridiculous.
woah I didn't even know that was a size... I wonder where you would even buy pants that size
Re: Hannah's question (#2): I used to work in a clothing shop where we once had a man come in for pants that were a 66" waist and 26" inseam. He stood all of 5'4" -- literally wider than he was tall. He actually could only buy clothes once day a year, because clothing manufacturers generally pick only one style and size of each garment to make across the whole shop each day (or at least, one sytle per sewer, as it saves time and money by not having to keep changing the patterns all day), and once you get over a certain size, it's simply not worth it to make the ultra-plus sizes more than one day out of the year.