By kittywings - 29/04/2016 01:14 - United States - Bridgewater

Today, as I was taking a shower, I felt something run down my back. Assuming it was water, I lathered up my loofah and scrubbed my back with it, only to hear a gross crunching sound. I pulled back my loofah to see a smushed, twitching cockroach that I had smeared on my back. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 946
You deserved it 1 397

kittywings tells us more.

Hey all, OP here To everyone wondering: yes, it was disgusting. After freaking out for a little, I just tried my best not to puke and washed the cockroach guts off my back. I smashed the half-dead cockroach with a shampoo bottle just to put the poor thing out of its misery and threw out the loofah. Speaking of the loofah, it was one of those really hard thick sponges, which is probably why the cockroach's shell got crushed by it (I also thought cockroaches' shells were too tough to be crushed like that, but maybe the steam from the shower softened it?) Anyway, though it was really really gross, the one good thing that came out of this is that my FML actually got posted, which is pretty cool. Thanks guys :)

Top comments

At least you were already in the shower to clean it up nevertheless, that is gross as hell

Death by loofah. I now know what I want printed on my headstone.


Yall need roach poison in your bathrooms. I think id burn down the house..

Sleep_lover654 13

Good grief. I feel bad for you, cockroaches are one of my worst fears, I can't imagine what I would do >~<

How do u crush a cockroach with a loofa?...

OP posted a comment saying it was a hard sponge loofah and it's shell was softened by the steam. sorry for the bad English/grammar.

how hard were you scrubbing to kill a cockroach?

This happened to me once. The only difference is that I was drying off after my shower and squished it with my towel onto my back. I'm sorry you had to deal with this too!

wordygirl 11

I seriously just killed a wood roach between your post and the one above it! Living in the woods unfortunately we have them too. Stomped it and read yours!!! Glad I'm not alone!

If that had happened to me, with my extreme phobia of roaches, I'd cry and be shaken up for at least an hour