By rj - 12/05/2012 14:42 - United States - Goddard

By rj - 12/05/2012 14:42 - United States - Goddard
By baron - 01/06/2009 17:36 - United States
By Shooter71 - 16/10/2010 04:09 - France
By Anonymous - 15/06/2014 19:22 - United Kingdom
By Andrew - 20/04/2011 16:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 05/12/2010 01:28 - United States
By doomed - 22/08/2009 17:46 - United States
By both are dimwitted - 23/12/2014 18:32 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 03/02/2021 01:01 - Mexico - Iztacalco
By noneedtostress - 17/03/2012 15:52 - Australia
By Anonymous - 29/08/2013 18:12 - United States - Mount Clemens
Either she cheated or I would recommend seeing a doctor about your memory.
After a year of no sex I would recommend seeing someone you would bang.
15- Or marriage counseling.
I hope your a white couple and the baby is black. Mama loves her some chocolate lol
OP maybe she drugged you with you when you were sleeping
Well maybe you should treat your wife like a woman and make love every once in a while?
15- not everyone marries just for sex
If you haven't had sex for that long, it shouldn't be a surprise that your wife cheated on you. Not that I'm justifying it, that's still a shitty thing for her to do.
156) Well yeah, but sex is a big part of marriage. If they haven't had sex in over a year then there's most likely something wrong.
204- well not necessarily, people have their reasons. I mean in this case we can tell what the reason is, but it all depends on the couple and how they feel about it.
156/206 You are too young. Say whatever you want, people have sex. And people get married wanting to have sex. Sex is a big factor in how a marriage is going and that's something they will even ask you if they were to go to marriage counseling. So you don't really know what you are talking about when it comes to that. Not trying to be rude
Are you and idiot?
Hey, where did 59 go? I wanted to test out my new pitchfork :(
There are few conclusions we can come up with: 1- op has amnesia 2- op deserves it cuz he hadn't had sex for a year (woman needs action) 3- if op didn't have sex with her for a year he might be getting it on somewhere else. Then still op deserves it 4- Op is probably on a job that doesn't allow him to be with his wife for a year. Then poor op his wife should stay committed to him.FYL
...Or maybe his wife never always pulled the, "I have a headache" card because SHE was getting some on the side. And the side dish got her knocked up. you people and trying to pin it all on the OP :(
Amen 198
#2 I have a feeling alcohol was involved.
I think that b**** cheated on you my friend*
Don't you love double standards?
Well time to ask her some inquiring questions about her sex life. She could have cheated. Or you could not remember. When she's later in the pregnancy do a DNA test to see!
And that's why it's an FML.
DNA tests are possible before the baby is born via an amniocentesis. it's the same way they test for possible birth defects or complications
They don't do them here in aus before birth either, as the procedure is too dangerous to the unborn child. Why risk your child's life before its even born just for a damn DNA test?
Op's girlfriend: Guess who lost their virginity? YOU DID!
* Wife #267
Doesn't matter, had sex ..?....HAHAHAHA
*Backstage fondling of crying woman by maury*
*Guy starts dancing like a boss because he's not the father.*
*Grandmother with a disappointed look on her face.
Not necessarily....
You can't just assume his wife is a *****... Maybe he just has bad memory.
RAPE!! ... It could happen.
Maybe it's her fault they never have sex. If it was the other way around everyone would be grabbing their torches and pitchforks while yelling "Burn the man *****!!". She shouldn't resort to cheating on him, she should talk to him about it.
This is the whole double standard thing again about hat women can do and what men can do. Seems very common on this site. Just because they haven't had sex in a year it doesn't make it OKAY to cheat.
I wasn't giving a double standard. In fact, I believe I have a male perspective when it comes to sex. For example in my last relationship, I was always the aggressor, and my sex drive was three times what his was. However, I did not cheat on him. I would never cheat on any spouse/partner that I was committed to. I would leave the relationship! I repeat... A year with no physical contact is unacceptable.
Wow, split time.
Either she cheated or I would recommend seeing a doctor about your memory.