By fstfckd - 07/06/2014 19:16 - United States
Same thing different taste
By mandy - 01/08/2009 01:51 - Australia
By Anonymous - 10/06/2014 15:05 - Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
By atmac95 - 27/02/2010 21:28 - United States
By pissedandcomputerless - 07/11/2013 18:42 - United States - Lawrence
By Anonymous - 28/08/2015 06:39 - South Africa - Cape Town
By "Anti_Sora" - 24/03/2019 18:00
By "Anti_Sora" - 05/01/2019 00:00
By Fuck off, teacher - 17/03/2024 06:00 - United States
By writerflaw - 10/03/2015 17:36 - United States - Juneau
By bipbip - 12/11/2008 07:53 - France
Top comments
Where do you go to college? Liberty?
I will defend your right to your opinion no matter what. But saying that I will always choose to deride not any opinion that says that there is something wrong with gay rights or gay marriage for that matter. Bigots are entitled to their opinion too as it is their right but I'm entitled to vehemently disagree with them and so I shall. By the way OP, next time don't do your essay at the last minute.
Imagine if I did a project about religious rights...
I say YDI, I'm for equal rights but any essay done at the last moment is done with the risk of something going wrong and then being late.
Is this a Mormon college?
People shouldn't be allowed to be gay. It's a mental disorder.
Please tell me you not that closed minded?
Why not go to one of the many places offering free wiki? Starbucks, whatever the american version of Chapters is, McDonalds...need I go on?
Sounds like an excellent experience to right about for your essay.
Try adding an S to http Like HTTPS and then type address
Never leave work until the last minute OP. Allow time for unexpected crisis.
Gay rights are equal rights, the end! That would have been an A+ paper, OP!