Avoidance technique

By M…… - 05/06/2024 13:00 - United States

Today, two days before our vacation, I caught my wife coaching our six year-old son how to fake nightmares, so he could sleep in our bed every night. I now understand why we never have sex on vacation. FML
I agree, your life sucks 371
You deserved it 69

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what is wrong with her? she has issues that need to be figured out as to why she doesn't want to be intimate with you.

tiptoppc 19


65% of straight women in hetero relationships have an ****** from sex. Compared with 86% of straight women can ********** to ******. so, uh, Step up your game, Mr. 35%er

tiptoppc 19

what is wrong with her? she has issues that need to be figured out as to why she doesn't want to be intimate with you.

Sounds to me like this might be the last family vacation before the divorce… OP you and your wife have a serious problem. You can either ignore it until you can’t, address it with counseling (which is no guarantee of success), or know that this is near the end…

This is a new definition of "parental alienation"...