By Anonymous - 14/08/2015 15:08 - Denmark

Today, at my grandmother's funeral, my senile grandfather kept asking me "Where's granny? I've been looking for her, but I can't find her." FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 627
You deserved it 1 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How are you even supposed to answer that? Like you have to keep breaking terrible news. I'm so sorry OP, FYL

So sorry for your loss OP, hopefully you'll come up something on how to tell your grandfather.


josace 9

Oh man that sucks. How were you able to handle having to answer him? I think I'd probably have been crying even harder with each time he asked

blairvic 23

Oh... That made me tear up. OP, I'm truly sorry that this happened. My grandma is also suffering from dementia and quickly slipping into Alzheimer's territory, I know how it feels.

man usually I get a good laugh out of the FMLs on here but this one is like being punched in the gut and having your heart ripped out. I'm so sorry for you and your family.

That is ******* horribly sad. It hurts just to read it

I'm really sorry for your loss OP just tell your Grandfather Grandpa *or whatever you call him* Granny passed away... And I know it might be hard but we can get through this together. Hope that helped! You should say something like that. Or whatever you need to... So sorry for your loss it's truly heart breaking and sad.

that's one of the saddest things I've ever heard