By anonymous - 19/09/2010 00:15 - United States

By anonymous - 19/09/2010 00:15 - United States
By fishtacos - 01/12/2014 03:32 - United States - Fontana
By BarbieKen - 14/06/2009 04:14 - United States
By MenstruallyFrustrated - 23/07/2013 17:18 - United States - Surprise
By tamp - 22/06/2009 07:47 - United States
By "BunnysKitty" - 15/09/2017 23:15
By Anonymous - 20/05/2019 06:35
By Anonymous - 07/12/2011 17:47 - United States
By Drew - 16/01/2022 16:59
By Anonymous - 05/10/2023 14:00
By onething - 08/07/2009 17:06 - United States
so do you use it?
How fo u know he wasn't talking about eating a taco later instead of burriots?
YDI. It's called a washcloth and baby shampoo.
#105, you douche but are skeptical of wipes? Really...?
it means orange penguin
omniponent panda
damn comment bug. omniponent penguin. DAFP
Optional Puckering.
optimus prime :)
Omniscient panthers.
I hate stupid people.. rawr
I hate people.. rawr
Haha these posts actually made me laugh.
Erika: 1. The chemicals would not taste very pleasant for the guy who's going down on her. 2. The wipes are NOT necessary every time one goes to the bathroom. 3. Technically, they aren't necessary at all, since a shower is suffice. 4. The chemicals in the wipes sometimes, if not all the time, contain alcohol, which is very drying to tougher skin (think hand sanitizer and the drying effects on hands). Used on a sensitive area such as vaginal skin, I'm sure you can imagine how bad of an idea that is. 5. Even without alcohol (I haven't researched whether they all have alcohol in them, but since they are disinfecting wipes, I'm sure they all do) the chemicals are extremely irritating to such a sensitive area. 6. They are expensive. Again, soap and water... 7. Think about allergies. Some of the chemicals CAN give an allergic reaction. If the girl happens to be alright after using them and does not experience an allergic reaction, there is still a chance the guy might. Who wants that? 8. Toilet paper is used to absorb the wetness of urine from your vaginal area, since wetness in the area is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. Oh, and bacteria is the cause of the funky smells "down there". As long as you're dry, nothing's needed in between daily showers. 9. The wipes contain moisture. Please refer to point number 8. 10. Every woman has her own personal scent. This attracts a male; many report being turned on by such a smell. Mind you, anything "fishy" smelling is bad and you should be going to a clinic for a pill to cure the yeast infection.
Straight-up facts win by 5t3ff1k4h.
Wow, there are actually intelligent people on this website :)
nicely said 107 !
#107 Dude, you need to get a life. lmao
"Feminine wipes",otherwise known as "****** Kleenex"
How do you add pictures to you comment? :
Search up emoji in the app store.
Why would you spend a "long day at work" in the summer and not bathe before you get your boyfriend to shove his face into your stank ******? Common sense, lady.
That's why she bought the wipes!
wow what??? clean freak much. If you were "intimate" once then decided todo it again would you expect your lady, ( or yourself if you are female) to shower in between. Bah people are so scared of germs and dirt nowadays, live a little. Did you miss the part when she said she had bought wipes. They are designed to be used as a quick clean up. Im guessing she had full intentions of freshening up if her bf hadn't said what he did.
Monnanon you are totally and utterly correct. As is Steph (post #107). Also, the OP never says whether or not she showers or does anything to freshen up, we can assume that she did, but not necessarily as thoroughly as she might have done had her bf not said anything.
Why would you spend a "long day at work" in the summer and not bathe before you get your boyfriend to shove his face into your stank ******? Common sense, lady.
gross, it's called showering