By ellibits - 18/09/2009 07:29 - United Kingdom
ellibits tells us more.
Hi, I am the original poster, and I don't think he's ugly; just his mugshot isn't exactly flattering. But whose is?! Apparently he used to steal a long time ago to overcompensate being secretly gay. Whatever, he's no longer my problem.
Top comments
that's something that would happen at my job
@#8 Actually, in a way, it does. We find that most people who shoplift are people who find it difficult to emotionally connect to other people. Homosexuals have fought the "love and acceptance" battle in their life and come out the other side a stronger person because they are able to express their love in a non-restricted way. So, theoretically, they should be more well-rounded, more apt to have more success in their lives (i.e. more money), and less apt to steal. Of course, this doesn't really help #7's argument...just thought i'd put this out there.
Maybe they were saying that he was really attractive, like gold diggers
Fyl because 1:u didn't know he was a shoplifter? 2:he got caught 3: he s ugly apperently 4:he just sounds shady ,get out
You should be happy to have a nice easy warning like this. Now you can get out clean, BEFORE he becomes too much a pain in your ass.
Am I the only one who doesn't get what "you'd shoplift with a face like that" is supposed to mean? I get the FML itself; obviously, OP just learned their bf is unattractive AND a thief all at once. What I don't get is what shoplifting and attractiveness have to do with each other...