By nomade319 - 16/05/2013 02:57 - Canada - Winnipeg

Today, at Toronto airport, the customs officer checked my passport, then called his colleagues to confirm whether my country, Madagascar, really existed or not. Then, he took a picture of himself with me so he could show his kids that people actually live in their favorite cartoon’s country. FML
I agree, your life sucks 850
You deserved it 59

Top comments

TyroneB 22

Sorry OP but it appears that no matter where you fly to you can't escape ignorant people.

dragoongirl90 34

And people think Americans are dumb. It's not Americans, it's not one specific country or race or gender or religion. It's people. People are total and complete fuckshank morons in general and you get one or two nice, mature, intelligent, good people from each category.


TyroneB 22

Sorry OP but it appears that no matter where you fly to you can't escape ignorant people.

Coffee5555 14

that means you're special!!!

dragoongirl90 34

And people think Americans are dumb. It's not Americans, it's not one specific country or race or gender or religion. It's people. People are total and complete fuckshank morons in general and you get one or two nice, mature, intelligent, good people from each category.

That reminds me I need to get more $2 bills and spend them when I see clerks that just scream I bathed in ignorance today. It is truly one of the greatest things about being American.

but like if someone were to fake a passport they would probably choose a country that exists not one from a cartoon

Cyrus00 41

I don't think you understand, he meant if somebody did fake a passport (OP didn't) they would use a real country, so the custom officer should've known is his point, but that still has problems.

Holy shit, you just educated several generations of Canadians about the existence of human life and civilization in your country and are in fact the first photographic evidence that they will be exposed to. Probably should have asked his about his two moose garage on his igloo though just to be polite.

"It's for my kids..." Sure. Did he ask you about the talking lemurs that your country is so famous for??

I don't think this poor gentleman's ignorance is of his own doing frankly. I'd contest that by commenting about "how awful it is people are ignorant" you are being ignorant yourself. Sometimes people are victims of circumstance, we should learn to accept that.

burgermike92 17

No. No we shouldn't. The fact that he tried to question if Madagascar was real or not, and then wanted to take a photo with him "for his kids", shows that he's pretty ******* ignorant.

This isn't a bad thing at all. I think it's kinda cute, and a way to teach his kids about geography in a manner that they can relate. But the FML really goes to the guy who didn't know if Madagascar was real or not. It would hurt to be that ignorant.