By khaelian - 08/12/2010 11:47

Today, at work, a customer left their cell phone behind. I tried to see if there were any pictures so that I could identify them. No, I still don't know what they look like, but I have seen their penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 265
You deserved it 17 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you couldn't just look through their contacts instead..?

Why do some guys always take pictures of their penis?


If you weren't such a prude you would be able to recognize a customer by his penis.

Just wait till they come to claim it. You'll know who they are and what their penis looks like.

RedPillSucks 31

cust: hello? I think I lost my phone here. Can you check to see if anyone has returned it? OP: erm...., can you describe it? cust: Sure. It is a red Motorolla Droid 2 phone... OP: I meant the penis. Can you describe the penis? cust:erm...., I'm a woman. OP: Sorry, the phone must not be yours.

xShannonxSammyx 7

You could have turned it into the lost and found, or police.

Must be the guy from a few FMLs back... Don't judge, he was just sending it to his girlfriend.

YDI for looking at photo's at someone else's phone. did you never learn that that's private?

OP was just trying to be a good person so the first thing that may have popped up in his head was to look through the photos and get some clues. Looking through the contacts may have been a better idea but he was just trying to help. So I don't understand how some people are saying YDI.

Yeah that only works if he was a teenage girl who took pics of himself for myspace. Next time, call the "home" contact and leave a ******* message.

Oo even better, above the scandalous photo it should be written, "I'm lost and scared, please help me!" And then the number of the lost phone.