
By Oxnar60 - 08/08/2016 18:19 - United States - Harwich

Today, I left my phone at work. After returning to the office to retrieve it, I noticed it was not on my desk as it usually is. I went to the front office and found it on the desk, unattended. When turning on my phone, I was greeted by my new lockscreen: a crap someone took in the bathroom. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 192
You deserved it 1 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Might I suggest a passcode so someone doesn't place nasty photos as your background.

I hope the person didn't get any actual shit on your phone.


I hope the person didn't get any actual shit on your phone.

Might I suggest a passcode so someone doesn't place nasty photos as your background.

I know I require one on mine. All my friends are the type of people who change your status on Facebook if you don't log out and leave your phone/computer unattended.

I always have my phone password protected since having it stolen and accounts being screwed up. Learned my lesson.

TheNoNameGuy 20

You don't have a password.? in a way fyl. but also ydi.

Agreed, if only the website let us rate this one YDI maybe the vote counts would look different...

chrisbeaudoin 26

I don't know what is up with the "This could've happened to me" button but most people will still use it as the "YDI" button.

Yea, I've been so conditioned to use the button at the bottom as YDI, I often click it and then later notice it's not a YDI... and probably don't notice at all most of the time. I don't even know what that "that could have happened to me" button is there for. it's like a second, but fluffier, FYL. edit: On second look, I just noticed I DID use it as a YDI on this post. xD

Lizza330 28

And you're sure it was your phone? Could have been the same model phone yet belonged to some sad individual who likes to look at their own poop (I'm assuming this is their poop, but really, once a person is this far gone, you really never know).

species4872 19
jcash52426 5

There is nothing like a good bit off office hazing

countryb_cth 38
jcash52426 5

Must have been a shitty office

I'm sorry you have such shitty coworkers!