By khaelian - 08/12/2010 11:47

Today, at work, a customer left their cell phone behind. I tried to see if there were any pictures so that I could identify them. No, I still don't know what they look like, but I have seen their penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 265
You deserved it 17 916

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you couldn't just look through their contacts instead..?

Why do some guys always take pictures of their penis?


call their home contact next time so u wont get scarred for life again

i don't think i even have a picture of myself on my phone....and def not a pic of my ****

babez11 0

hubba hubba can u send me some of thoses pikz please!!!!!

EvilDave 13

The single possessive male pronoun is "HIS" not "THEIR".

EvilDave 13

@83 No. "Their" is the possessive case of the word "they". "They" is the plural pronoun for "he", "she", and "it". The (incorrect) habit of using "they" as a gender neutral singular pronoun comes from Political Correctness and attempting to avoid annoying the feministas who fly off the handle at the use of the masculine pronoun. It is not archaic, nor is it correct.