By Anonymous - 03/10/2010 05:08 - United States

Today, at work, I was called into the office by my supervisor, on whom I have a massive crush. He called me in to get my password to make some adjustments on my work account and asked me what my password was. I had to hold eye contact with him and tell him my password is his full name. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 654
You deserved it 46 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Easy enough excuse - just say it was for easy remembrance. It only works as an excuse cos he's your boss though :)

UnicornsDoExist 0

Dude, that's embarrassing. I once had to tell my dad my laptop password so he could get a guy to fix it (my crush's dad) and my password was my crush's first and last name.


xxWTFxx1981 23

Could of been worse could of been your first name with his last name