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By Anonymous - 02/10/2009 04:46 - United States

Today, I applied for college graduation. Turns out my advisor screwed me over and now I'm 1 credit hour short of getting my degree. Now I have to wait another semester and pay $3,500 just to take a one hour class on Bowling so that I can graduate. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 823
You deserved it 6 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jchansfan 0

That sounds rather fake. 3,500$ for Bowling? Why would you even need a class on Bowling for college? Now that the serious part is out of the way... With only one class I guess you'll have a lot of SPARES. :P Maybe you should protest it and start a student STRIKE. :P Well, looks like that's another 3, 500$ in the GUTTER! :D

wow. i wouldnt do that. i would tell them its just an hour credit and try to work it out. try to talk to the people and get help. but that sucks.


wow. i wouldnt do that. i would tell them its just an hour credit and try to work it out. try to talk to the people and get help. but that sucks.

This is so fake. So you're saying that this class is roughly $1,200 per credit hour? Lol yeah right

Or the OP might be in the school that have some flat fee for a semester no matter how many credits he registers?

Reyo 2

Hellooooo...test for credit?

RubixMonkey 0

First off OP might have to live in the dorms if he isn't living by his parents. Dorm, cost of medical insurance for the college, the cost of other services, would be the large cost. I took an exercise/one credit class and it was 500. He isn't paying for that, he is ****** because he has to pay for a whole semester for one credit. You are an idiot for not thinking things through.

@42...this very well could be true, I had a similar situation happen to me recently, except that I had been approved for graduation, walked across the stage, and then 2 months later got an email saying I hadn't actually graduated because I was 1 unit short. I had gone to my counselor and had a 4 year plan just like I was supposed to, but she never checked or mentioned one of the requirements which made me 1 unit short. Lucky for me I had a lab unit that I was able to get added on and didn't have to take another quarter of classes. But the reason they would have to pay so much could be because of a unit requirement like someone else stated. At my school we were required to have at least 13 units each quarter or we would automatically be put on academic probation no matter what grades we received.

startafire 0

You obviously haven't gone to college.

this isn't fake shit happens in college I would know.

Bowling is an important skill in life. it should be a requirement along with table tennis. the $3500 you spend on it now will pay off big dividends in the future

......... and so the story goes, Ya send them to school, Ya put a calculator in their hands and teach them how to use it and still can't figure out how many days and hours are left in school! I'd say, yup, ya deserved this one. Important rule, never rely on someone else for your calculations. Always get out the good old calculator and double check their work. Just ask anyone that has ever paid someone to have their taxes done then had to show for an audit. Best of luck with that degree.. what did you say it was in... Bowling?

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

Wow, its extremely obvious you are a widdle high schooler who knows nothing about college. Go update your Myspace or watch Twilight or something. You don't figure out your college schedule with a calculator, moron.

There are many ways an advisor could've screwed him over. I got screwed at college too, the only difference is that I go to college for free. But then I'll have to leave my job if I want to graduate :(

Okie7123 0

OP's own damn fault. They teach you to go to college to think for yourself, not be told what to do. By the time you graduate college you should be so knowledgeable about graduation requirements and courses for your degree, you could lecture an incoming freshman. Adviser time really was worthless probably 90% of the time.

xanth 0

I am in a similar situation as the OP. I was told my AP statistics credit was good but apparently its not so I have to take biometry or environmental statistics in a new quarter. Now tell me how I have any control or knowledge of what courses I can get credit for and which I can't? In short, #3 and #80 are idiots.

jchansfan 0

That sounds rather fake. 3,500$ for Bowling? Why would you even need a class on Bowling for college? Now that the serious part is out of the way... With only one class I guess you'll have a lot of SPARES. :P Maybe you should protest it and start a student STRIKE. :P Well, looks like that's another 3, 500$ in the GUTTER! :D

jchansfan 0

I know rite!?! I'm having a BALL! :P

Oh please, stop making yourself out to be a kingpin.

RubixMonkey 0

OMG your APPROACH and DELIVERY were amazing. OP needs to get out of the GUTTER, he needs to take control of his life. He isn't even in the same LEAGUE as you are.

Lol good puns and if it's a gal class in Nov. she should try to get a turkey. Lol

It's likely a PhysEd credit for one CREDIT hour, which is different from a 60 minute hour.

"...My advisor my screwed...". Seems like you need a lot more than 1 credit hour if you're stupid enough to type my again for no reason.

kaleid0scopeEyes 0

oh yeah, because one typo undermines 4 years of undergraduate studies. you are just SO badass and SO smart for calling him out on that. we should all be WORSHIPPING you because of your godly grammar skills. pretentious high schoolers really shouldn't be allowed on the internet.

Hunnibum 0

You were stupid enough not to put "my" in quotations. This is why I hate grammar and spelling Nazis. They will only see other people's mistakes.

It's not always pretentious high schoolers who like to point out people's spelling/grammar mistakes on the internet. (Oh my God did you see that? I did not capitalize internet!) Sometimes I wonder if it's not just people who spend a lot of time reading comments (nothing wrong with that) and thinking they would like to get in the game by nitpicking every single mistype or error because they think, "ooooh everyone will think I am so god damn funny and SMART because I am confident in my language skills." They fail to realize that nobody gives a ****.

Actually smart one, it says "me", not "my". Learn to read, buddy.

wow, what a coincidence!! I just got screwed over by MY advisor too!! Now I have to study a pointless paper in summer school just to graduate!

this shit is fake, why in the hell would you need to pay $3,500 for one ******* credit hour class?! and it's bowling God sake!!

it's called tuition. Even if you have to only take one class, you're still required to pay full tuition

lem0n_fml 0

Now that brings about the question of what type of education is he receiving when tuition is only $3500.

lem0n_fml 0

ignore that last comment. :)

Haha, probably a per-semester rate instead of per year. =)

No_fyl_cuz_ydi 0

and that's why you're suppossed to keep track of the courses you still need and the courses you've already taken

I've done my own research about what I need and don't need to graduate, which classes fulfill which requirements, and what I've received credit for through test scores. As a result, I have a spread sheet that keeps track of my GPA and has laid out several possible options for me to fulfill graduation requirements in several different majors. I've added a major, and also switched entirely from one to another, and am considering a minor or two because of the extra time available to me as a result. All my advisors have done for me so far is clear holds so that I can register for courses. In other words, you deserve it for relying on someone else (even if it's their job) to tell you what classes you needed to take to graduate.

i'm doing a double major in human biology and biochemistry, and can only have 2 credits overlapping between the 2 majors. the requirements to fulfill both have 3.5 credits overlapping, and it doesn't say anywhere in the handbook which courses i can and cannot use to make up for the 1.5 credits i need. i arbitrarily chose 1.5 biology credits, and cannot graduate because i chose the wrong ones. so even if you don't rely on someone else you can get ******.

bowling class? does that even exist? you gotta love america...