This is a Nearly FML. It’s an FML, nearly. It got positive votes from the users, by wasn’t approved by our team.

By Nomani - 26/09/2017 12:42 - United States - Shelbyville

Today at work, my Walmart coworker and I were at neighboring cash registers when I get a bald, flat-chested customer. So, my coworker helped me bag items. She looked at the customer and asked ‘would you like this in a bag, sir?’ Turns out the customer was a balding woman fighting breast cancer. FML.
I agree, your life sucks 68
You deserved it 16

Top comments

It's not like either of you could have known. Apologize, tell them that they're a tough person for fighting like they are, and move on.


It's not like either of you could have known. Apologize, tell them that they're a tough person for fighting like they are, and move on.