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By CrawlingUnderARock - 26/09/2017 16:00

Today, I discovered that a company has been using a photo of me for one of those "she lost 50 pounds" online ads. I'm the "before" photo. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 318
You deserved it 394

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Unless you sold those photos, I don't think they are allowed to use them in order to make profits- in fact, you might actually have a case that you could win financial reparations from. I suggest getting a lawyer- even if you can't get financial rewards from it, you should be able to make them take down the pictures pretty easily.

It really pisses me off when companies do that; they're just profiting from the misery f others, and using people's photos without their permission, no less! I agree with GhostFox; get that bastard company tied up in so much legislation that their GRANDCHILDREN will need lawyers!


Unless you sold those photos, I don't think they are allowed to use them in order to make profits- in fact, you might actually have a case that you could win financial reparations from. I suggest getting a lawyer- even if you can't get financial rewards from it, you should be able to make them take down the pictures pretty easily.

They can legally do this if they posted that photo online. Once it's online it's public property. Especially if you posted to Facebook. It's in their terms of service which you agreed to. Also it's the law now look it up.

Rawrshi 25

Actually, they can't legally use your photos for profit. Specifically not photos of /you/ unless it's a photo at a public place or event. Just because you uploaded it to the internet doesn't make the photo no longer yours or remove your rights to it. It definitely isn't public property. Facebook has rights to your photos uploaded to their site as part of the terms of service. That doesn't give every other company rights to those photos beyond fair use or heavily altered as they weren't given permission. Facebook was.

LittlemissCommunist 6

I’ll bet at that company, they had a comment box where people demanded replacing you with a hotter woman for the “after” photo.

It really pisses me off when companies do that; they're just profiting from the misery f others, and using people's photos without their permission, no less! I agree with GhostFox; get that bastard company tied up in so much legislation that their GRANDCHILDREN will need lawyers!

kusje 31

But... I thought those before and after pictures were of the same person that lost a lot of weight because they used a specific weight loss product. I feel scammed!

That's what I thought too. Did the after picture even look somewhat like you?

kusje 31

Aii apparently my sarcasm didn't come across too well...

kusje 31

Aii, apparently my sarcasm didn't come across very well...

Sarcasm is extremely hard to detect when it's typed out rather than said. I sometimes have trouble with that.

No, don't feel scammed. It is the same person with the before and after photo. Before when they were hot and after when they ate lots of junk food.

Legally they can do that if you posted the photos to Facebook or online. It's the law now. Look it up. If you post a photo online it becomes public property and you don't own it anymore. Says that in Facebook terms of service. They have every right to take and use your photos for profit without your permission if you post them online. And they legally don't have to give you any profit or even tell you/get your permission.

Lobby_Bee 17

Nobody reads the fine prints and that's what they are betting on. Facebook makes billions selling the stuff you post on their website.

unless you signed a release I'm pretty sure they can't do that.

LittlemissCommunist 6

Pretty sure they can't do that, you should sue.

ChuckleNinja 8

Sue them! Its illegal for them to use your image without your consent!