By Sh.H - 23/02/2009 04:09 - United States

Today, before a big formal banquet, I went tanning because I wanted to look good in my cocktail dress. I got out of the tanning bed only to realize that I had left my socks on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 795
You deserved it 55 896

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Blind_Ninja 0

At least your feet won't get cancer. =)


the thing with the spray tanners is that they smell. so if you're with someone who has a foot fetish, i wouldn't suggest it. there's makeup for the legs that you can use.

Tanning bed... Not spray tanning. You know, where you lay in a tanning bed for a little with those weird glasses on and pop out looking like you came back from Aruba, not all orange...

so, pretty much, you're just an effing moron...

Crunchy_fml 0

It's okay, no one will notice your feet and if they do, it'll be strange at first, but not that big of a deal. Hope you have a good time at the banquet :)

Blind_Ninja 0

Yes, tights or boots would conceal it well enough. Though boots may not necessarily suit the cocktail dress, depending on what they look like :P. Or if you know the place is going to be dimly lit don't fret about it too much, unless you went -really- overboard with the tan >_>.

#9, I agree but then ask yourself..what's the point of expensive clothes? Or an expensive haircut? In reality none, but some people like being tan.

kep12191 0

theres no way to cover up sock me. i golf. its awful. and the lotions tend to turn your feet or other areas orange... so enjoy

At least your feet won't get cancer. =)