Send positive thoughts

By Anonymous - 13/07/2024 03:00 - United States - Nashua

Today, I learned that I am probably going to be homeless. My fiancé broke up with me on our two year anniversary because my mental health is declining rapidly. I recently lost my job and a parent. I have been isolating and no longer have supports. I just want my life to have meaning again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 544
You deserved it 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

d j mom 7

if he can't help you through this hard time then he isn't worth having you. you deserve better.

Depends on how hard it is. We don't know what "rapidly declining mental health" means, and partners can't substitute for medical professionals or therapists.


d j mom 7

if he can't help you through this hard time then he isn't worth having you. you deserve better.

Depends on how hard it is. We don't know what "rapidly declining mental health" means, and partners can't substitute for medical professionals or therapists.