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By forever_young - 13/05/2016 13:03 - United States - Rochester

Today, despite being in high school, I'm still shorter than the average 3rd grader. FML
I agree, your life sucks 13 953
You deserved it 1 816

Same thing different taste

Top comments

One of the coolest people I know is really short. Granted, he's Tyrian Lannister, a fictitious character I've never actually met, but still.

I know how you feel op, I'm 22 and only 4'10"!


Looks like your growth sprout is a drop out

MasterTron 24

It's a really old wive's tale that states that coffee stunts your growth. According to another wive's tale coffee also makes your toenails turn black and fall off. Apparently coffee was seen as dangerous by mothers in the past. I think that #2 is making light of the silliness of those tales, rather than being serious about coffee having any powers against human growth plates.

If drinking coffee stunted your growth then I should be a foot tall. Instead, I'm the second tallest person in my family at 5'6".

MasterTron 24

I was only joking guys. I like picking on my mom with this joke. Because she is like 5'9" and I'm 6'2"

don't kid yourself. you're still short.

One of the coolest people I know is really short. Granted, he's Tyrian Lannister, a fictitious character I've never actually met, but still.

"Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you."

"I have a tender spot in my heart for cripples, bastards, and broken things."

I know how you feel op, I'm 22 and only 4'10"!

Well if OP is actually going by real stats, you've still got well over half a foot on them. Also, they could be a guy because gender isn't specified.

CheekyRaccoon 27

You guys are both taller than me. I'm 23 and only 1'6".

I'm 20 and I'm 4'11. Today I went shopping with a girl who was 6ft and it was so helpful to have her there, for some reason the smaller sizes are on the top shelf!

That's okay, I have a friend in 8th grade and she's only 4'6". You only grow until you're like you're supposed to be, you just didn't take as long as the others did ?

Actually, there are medical conditions that cause you to stop growing too soon. My daughter has an adrenal insufficiency that makes her 4 ft 6 in at the age of seven and she might not hit 5 ft as her adult height. Without the AI, her projected height would have only been 5 ft 3 but it would have been nice for her to get all her inches in. I tell her to learn to taylor.

This would be really awkward if OP wasn't a girl...

“If you can't be seven feet tall, be seven feet smart.”

You're not alone! I'm 4'9'' in high school.

im 4'9 in 7th grade, but i see no sign of growth. haha ?