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By youngboob - 21/10/2014 15:42 - United States - Topeka

Today, after my dad trying every bait, hormone, and poison, the cockroaches in this apartment have gone crazy. They are trying to kill themselves. One tried to commit suicide, by suffocation, in my mouth this morning. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 215
You deserved it 3 690

Same thing different taste


You think you threw up? Wouldnt you be able to tell? And for the people who will say something. YES ITS SARCASM

Right. I would have died. they're nasty little things. *shudders*

Not being able to discern whether you've vomited or not is quite an issue, FYL #1, FYL.

#60 As was mine, I apologize for assuming you'd be able to understand...

I did understand. but that's what happens when you comment on another person's comment. DEAL WITH IT

meli1195 31

well someone is an angry little troll

I've got to ask, why are you still there!?!? That'd be horrible! But! Look at it this way, at least they're not spiders.

I'd rather have spiders, they might help with the roach problem

concend_blk_guy 8

The average person swallows 10 spiders a year, of course they're baby spiders or just really small. Spiders like warm damp places, spiders make sense, roaches with their feelers and hairy legs, the way the move, the wings. . . I shutter to think of it, I feel so sorry for OP

orbit 22

Since when did roaches grow wings??? That's it, we're ******.

#57...I was doing absolutely fine without that little bit of spider trivia. #58...Yes, some roaches have wings. Here in Texas they have no fear. If you hit it and don't kill it, it's going to fly right at your face. OP...that is nasty. FYL indeed.

orbit 22

I'm sorry but we may have to quarantine Texas and surrounding states until we find a way so get rid of these horrid fellows.

we have them in Australia, too, winged ones I mean. one flew at my face with out me attacking it

Gaernem 17

Yeah we have winged ones in Florida too. It's the same deal, my buddy tried to hit and kill it, it didn't die.. Then flew directly at his head.

orbit 22

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and what does ebola have to do with roaches? not even in the same category, bro.

What does Ebola have to do with cockroaches! I find people like #4 so annoying!

I'm surprised no one caught on that I was joking. Hence the "but seriously"

tantanpanda 26

uh, people caught on, but it was so stupid, people couldn't help but downvote. Like the other person said, ebola is in a completely different category. Trying to make a joke by bridging ebola with a cockroach really doesn't work. Joke or not, it sucked.

orbit 22

Well for all we know a cockroach could be carrying Ebola

Well I though it was funny but I see no one shares my sense of humor or lack there of.

#4, you must have the humor of a middle school boy, if you thought that was funny.

Middle school? That's more elementary school level.

I'll take someone with an immature sense of humor over someone who's an uptight D-bag any day.

I dunno, I thought #72's comment had more humour than your ebola joke

All of my prayers shall be dedicated to you, you poor soul

dimerneckel 22

They are trying to reenact the happening by M Night Shmayalan.

Nukes wont even kill roaches. Looks like you gotta curb stomp everyone of those little bastards back to hell!

the blast will kill them. the radiation wont

Thx for going myth busters on me. I really needed you to clarify that a ******* nuke would kill a cockroach.

Damn bro time to bring out the WD-40 and a lighter and go Rambo on their ass

BubbleGrunge 18

I learned a long time ago a whole can of Woolite suffocates the bastards.

Hit them with a can of duster turned upside down. The C02 is at subzero temperatures, and will make the roach's cells expand and rupture; killing them instantly. Also, no risk of a house fire.

PresidentNorth 16

Yay chemistry! annihilating roaches since day 1.

Keep it in your mouth as a warning to others not to go there. FYL