By Anonymous - 30/05/2017 21:00 - France

Today, during a family meal, my mother-in-law asked me to list the foods I didn't like, which includes bananas. For some reason my husband felt it was necessary to specify: "except mine!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 597
You deserved it 445

Top comments

Considering the maturity of your husband, consider it a small mercy that you don't have an allergy to nuts.

Would it be more realistic had you claimed you didn't like Vienna Sausage?


Would it be more realistic had you claimed you didn't like Vienna Sausage?

Considering the maturity of your husband, consider it a small mercy that you don't have an allergy to nuts.

Just look at him without a smile and say, "Wrong"

you guys recently married? totally understandable. except now I keep thinking of how every banana is curved...