By Anonymous - 25/08/2016 03:50 - United States - Fishers

Today, eight tornados hit the town where I live. The only person who tried to get a hold of me and see if I was OK was my World of Warcraft guild leader after I didn't show up to raid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 524
You deserved it 1 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps your local friends and neighbors had more pressing duties to get to, like their own families and their own lives to sort out before they could get around to seeing that you were ok.


OP, if you have one person in your life who will go out of their way to check on your safety and well being then you are doing better than a good chunk of the world.

Where is this town that had 8 tornadoes go through it in one day? I heard about 8 tornadoes in the state of Indiana. Maybe your town is the size of a state. That would make sense I guess.

looks like there was 8 tornadoes in state of Indiana. just searched it and that's what it said. so i dont think there was 8 in one city. crazy that I live in indiana and didn't hear about it until this post. hopefully everyone affected by this is ok.

Glad you're okay. I live in southern Indiana but Kokomo is my hometown and the fact that this happened about 2 years after the last one, and took almost the same route is unbelievable.


Omg so happy you are okay! I work at Starbucks in MO and we saw the Starbucks there. it was demolished. Scary stuff!!

FreckledSatan 17

Dude we live in the same place!

No one has to give their input on this, but I just have to say it. It's okay, not OK. Sorry. It bugs me even though you have more pressing matters to deal with.

They mean the same thing, regardless. Please take the stick out of your ass.