By Anonymous - 25/08/2016 03:50 - United States - Fishers

Today, eight tornados hit the town where I live. The only person who tried to get a hold of me and see if I was OK was my World of Warcraft guild leader after I didn't show up to raid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 17 524
You deserved it 1 436

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps your local friends and neighbors had more pressing duties to get to, like their own families and their own lives to sort out before they could get around to seeing that you were ok.


Flannelsheets 4

Actually the state got hit by eight. Kokomo got hit by 3 and was hit the hardest. The news was quick to point out only 20 minor injuries and how everyone was lucky...

And peeps say why the **** your always on that shit? smh.. this is so relatable that it feels close to home.

Someone else from Kokomo! Nice. I hope you didn't have much damage.

You can't miss raid night man ( that sucks hope your ok OP )

Mr_Mole 24

I doubt you make much of an effort with family and friends so YDI.

Guildies are family. And the expansion is out Tuesday...

Mortoli 30

hey your best friends are the ones you meet online man trust me. they the cooliest folks ever

Haha it kills me that all these comments of how your guild leader cared to check on you because of the tornados cracks me up... I hope you're all ok, and I hope your PC wasn't lost in the mess of things so you can be on time for the next raid ^_^

BloodyGlass 10

It's okay, OP, I had to deal with that myself. My relatives hadn't heard from me during a big snowstorm while I was away at college, and when we got power back, I checked and saw no one bothered to call, text, send an email, or even check on me through Facebook. I even asked a couple of them what they would've done if I had been dead, and they just shrugged; **** you people, too. :)