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By definitelynotugly - 02/12/2018 12:00

Today, I had a morning shift at the restaurant and didn't feel like wearing makeup. I was energetic and greeted everyone happily, but my manager told me I looked tired. I said, "Oh no I'm just not wearing makeup!" He said, "Well, you might need it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 836
You deserved it 349

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That was rude, but I think you should take his advice... and go one step further by turning up to work looking like Pennywise. If he calls you out, remind him it was his idea, but he didn't say how far you needed to take it, so you hedged your bets.

Hyousax 3

If he's only ever seen you with makeup on, I can't really blame him for thinking you look tired. Many people have naturally dark shadows under their eyes. You don't really notice it on people who don't wear makeup since it's how they naturally look. But if your "standard" look is where you wear makeup, the shadows under your eyes don't look normal on your face.


Your manager is a douche. Stop wasting money on makeup. :)

That was rude, but I think you should take his advice... and go one step further by turning up to work looking like Pennywise. If he calls you out, remind him it was his idea, but he didn't say how far you needed to take it, so you hedged your bets.

I think you are beautiful without the makeup. Your boss would know a good thing if it bit him in the butt.

Do you know this person? Most people look better with make-up. Too bad it's not socially acceptable for men to wear make-up -- we just have to remain ugly.

Hyousax 3

If he's only ever seen you with makeup on, I can't really blame him for thinking you look tired. Many people have naturally dark shadows under their eyes. You don't really notice it on people who don't wear makeup since it's how they naturally look. But if your "standard" look is where you wear makeup, the shadows under your eyes don't look normal on your face.

You did a great job of explaining the whole with/without makeup controversy. Good on you.

BetterThanU 1

Makeup was made to make girls like yourself bearable. Don't throw that gift away. YDI

Oh **** him- does HE wear makeup? If not, he has no leg to stand on insisting others do. OP should just throw away the makeup for good.

MSBella 1

Lol, this has happened to me too!! Only I got written up! I work in a professional office and they told me they “hired me to look a certain way” and even so, not wearing makeup is unprofessional. Sounds like the sisters of world need to unite 👍

I guess those are the same people who bitch about women wearing makeup everywhere in their free time.