By RedLion23 - 03/11/2009 20:08 - United Kingdom

Today, good news! The guitar I have been saving up for, for 5 months, finally arrived. It came inside a beautiful black and white case, and impossible to get into without the key. They didn't pack the key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 277
You deserved it 2 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotAlwaysFML 0

I doubt your life SUCKS because they forgot to send you a key that opens a guitar you've been saving up for 5 months. Anyone with common sense would call the company and they'll send you the key at no expense. The only thing that sucks is that you just have to be more patient and wait for the key to arrive.

just call them and they will send you one duhh


MaddogTotten 0

Either you make a ridiculously small wage, or you bought the most awesome guitar ever. Easy solution either way - force your way in to the case or have them ship a key. If it is that nice of a guitar, you didn't pay for the bitchin case, you payed for the bitchin guitar. Just force the lock or cut in to the case. If you "can't live" another day without playing it then quit being a whiny little bitch and get it out of there. If you payed more for the case than the guitar is worth to you, and you saved for 5 months, then you fail on too many levels for me or anyone else to help you. If that is your case, then just off yourself now and save everyone else the wasted time of having to deal with you.

MaddogTotten 0

One of my all-time favorite quotes anywhere: "I can't swallow that!" "Good news then, its a suppository."

thisishilarious 0

not worthy, its called patience is this an FML? Quit being a whiny bitch over your guitar and call the company you ordered it from to get the ******* key.

They send the key in the mail. It'll prob be there tomorrow. Pull up your knickers and wait a day. You waited 5 mos, what's one more day?

They sent the key, it's inside the case. Just open... Oh wait. Sucker! Just take it to a locksmith dumbass.

SGTSlaughter 0

No key you say? STOP!Hammer time!

I got an SG last week. and yeah. pick the lock. or get a locksmith. no big deal