By RedLion23 - 03/11/2009 20:08 - United Kingdom

Today, good news! The guitar I have been saving up for, for 5 months, finally arrived. It came inside a beautiful black and white case, and impossible to get into without the key. They didn't pack the key. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 277
You deserved it 2 915

Same thing different taste

Top comments

NotAlwaysFML 0

I doubt your life SUCKS because they forgot to send you a key that opens a guitar you've been saving up for 5 months. Anyone with common sense would call the company and they'll send you the key at no expense. The only thing that sucks is that you just have to be more patient and wait for the key to arrive.

just call them and they will send you one duhh


Don't be silly. They sent the key. It's inside the case, didn't you look? /sarcasm

YDI for using sarcasm. Don't complain about it, get the key.

Where is this sarcasm making him deserve it? He said good news, but that was because his guitar arrived. THEN the bad part.

Why would the case come locked? Idk, just seems weird to me.....when I ordered my guitar it didn't come locked. Totally not saying this is fake or anything, just seems weird that's all.

Impossible is nothing. I'm sure you can get the case open if you really want to.

Erindub 0

Ha, Ha I just got 3 broken glasses from we're sort of having a similar day FOL

baknbits 0

They obviously didn't want anyone stealing it, so they threw the keys in the case then locked it.

ForgottenRemix0 0

dude really not that great, but it does still suck. i would be pissed too.

Maybe you should call them? Or have someone write a letter, as you clearly have a poor grasp on grammar.