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By Sady_Ct - 17/11/2018 19:07 - Australia

Today, I accidentally bought an audio book through iBooks for $40 AUD. I'm deaf. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 562
You deserved it 478

Sady_Ct tells us more.

Sady_Ct 37

I do know what an audio book is. I thought I clicked on the ebook and only after I went to open it did I realise it wasn’t an Ebook but an audio book. They didn’t have the same title in the ebook. I got a refund after a couple of days.

Top comments

Contact Customer Services, let them know your situation, and see if they'll refund it.

Do you not know what an audio book is?


Contact Customer Services, let them know your situation, and see if they'll refund it.

This. If you only bought it a few days ago, it'll be super easy to do.

Deez_Knots 10

Do you not know what an audio book is?

Sady_Ct 37

I do know what an audio book is. I thought I clicked on the ebook and only after I went to open it did I realise it wasn’t an Ebook but an audio book. They didn’t have the same title in the ebook. I got a refund after a couple of days.

I think she was talking to Deez_Knots. You can't exactly have subtitles on an audtiobook. Obviously he doesn't know what an audiobook is.

Deez_Knots 10

I know what an audiobook is. I have an app and it allows me to listen with the words displayed. That’s why i said if they have it

Itsbeenalong 5

Never judge a book by it's cover

Get a hearing friend to come over and make them listen to it while you watch their facial reactions to the book. I’m glad I could provide you such a satisfactory solution, even thought it’s a bit obvious.

Sady_Ct 37

..... nicely done, although to me, a refund is a more obvious option. Thanks anyway.

Gofuckyourself 24

You clearly have no filter LOL and like always, I see the funny side but you're being so insensitive

How do you accidentally do that? If you're deaf, how does one find themselves on an audio app?

Because iBooks isn’t an audio app. It’s Apple’s version of the Kindle app, for both digital and audio.

Well I didn't know that did I. I still read real books made from paper, not on an app.

Probably the same way you own a mirror and yet call yourself Anubis... FYI your not a god.

Ooooo and I suppose you think you're funny with that comment don't ya. Web name does not imply I think I'm a god. Get over yourself

weaboo 12

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Gofuckyourself 24

Ahhhhhahahaha the amount of savageness and personal attacks in this thread are WAY too high!

I hear you. You deafinitely didnt want to do that.

Better turn the sound way up. Does your device have an 11 setting?

Paul B. Gyurcsanszky 14