By Anonymous - 30/06/2011 17:44 - United States

Today, I actually resorted to checking the newspaper obituaries to see where the deceased were employed, just so I can find a job opening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 383
You deserved it 5 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustinThunder 8

That's not a terrible idea given the economy.


ShealaBoBayla 0

That's actually kinda a good idea.

JoeyPterodactyl 0

Because there are places that don't require you sign up and create a resume on their web site, anymore?

angelbaby01 0

I came here to laugh, and I actually learned something. Good idea OP!

I can't vote either way someone on here finnaly had a bad economy story with a viable option to finding a job

stuner56 22

as long as it wasn't to find a date....

Petunia888 13

I usually go to the morgue for some cold cuts. =D

perdix 29

A little ghoulish, but you still might be too late. Bribe the nurses at the local hospitals to tell you where the terminally ill work. You can start interviewing before the person who is occupying the desk that is rightfully yours actually kicks the bucket. Highly creepy, but highly effective. ;)

even though that is hillarious thats actually very smart