By Anonymous - 30/06/2011 17:44 - United States

Today, I actually resorted to checking the newspaper obituaries to see where the deceased were employed, just so I can find a job opening. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 383
You deserved it 5 418

Same thing different taste

Top comments

JustinThunder 8

That's not a terrible idea given the economy.


ToFarNorth 0

The economy is pretty sad. Thanks Obama!

paradiseisland01 0

I totally agree with you, whatever it takes to find work why not. great idea,

I've heard this idea before from a business class I took in college! I've also heard of checking the wedding announcements too, especially if the groom is from out of the area. More than likely they'll be moving to where he is located!

Yeah, back in the early 80s I heard about people checking the obituaries to find apartments in New York City.

that's really clever actually. well done op.

osubabe93 0
iluvfmls456 0

thank you for at least trying to get a job. a lot of the unemployed people just sit around on their lazy asses all day and wait for checks to come in the mail

lisha88 1

that's a great idea they won't be going to work tomorrow