By shameless - 28/04/2013 22:24 - United States - Canton

Today, I agreed to go on a date with the creepy guy from my Economics class because I'm so broke that I could really use the free meal. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 724
You deserved it 15 286

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So.. the Economics class isn't working, then?

Food is food, no matter the means of acquiring it


TiffGreen 11

I will definitely be praying for you tonight! I hope everything gets better for ya

As you know, "there's no such thing as a free lunch" :D

It's only whoring if you put out. Anything else goes.

Zilaina 7

So... I guess that means you're taking opportunity costs into account.

Why would you assume that the meal would be free? Whilst a kind gesture he is not obligated to pay for you and I imagine you'd be in a whole lot more trouble financially if you had half a restaurant bill to pay?

drew12089 2

You are one ****** up individual...

maci_murawski 4
the_dumb_duck 7